C - 监事的声明、承诺及确认(适用于在中华人民共和国(「中国」)注册成立的发行人)

过去的版本: 有效期自 2019年03月01日 至 2020年09月30日

Part 1
(a) present surname and any former surname(s)*
(b) alias, if any *
(c) present forename(s) and any former forename(s)*
(d) date of birth
(e) residential address
(f) nationality and former nationality, if any
(i) Hong Kong ID card number
(ii) in the case of a non-Hong Kong ID cardholder,
passport number or any identification document
number and name of issuing authority
(h) name of issuer (i.e. the new applicant/listed issuer)
in English









in Chinese









  * As set out in the Hong Kong ID card, or any relevant identification document referred to in  1(g) above
  * 香港身份证或上文1(g)所述的任何有关身份识别文件上所示者。
2. The relevant document that sets out my personal details in the manner described in paragraph 41 of Appendix 1A or rule 17.50(2), as the case may be, of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the GEM of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited from time to time in force (the “GEM Listing Rules”) is:
  (Tick as appropriate)
In the case of new applicant:
the listing document dated......................which has been duly registered with the Companies Registry.
日期为 .................年.................. 月.................... 日并已正式在公司注册处登记的上市文件。
In the case of listed issuer:
the announcement dated........................by the issuer as required under GEM Listing Rule 17.50(2) with regard to my appointment as a supervisor of the issuer.
发行人按《GEM上市规则》第17.50(2)条的规定,就委任本人为发行人监事的公告。公告日期为 ................年................ 月 ..................日。

Part 2

The particulars referred to in this Part 2 are:—

1 in the exercise of my powers and duties as a supervisor of............................(Insert the name of the issuer) I, the undersigned, shall:

(a) comply to the best of my ability with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and normative statements from time to time in force in the PRC relating to the responsibilities, duties and obligations of a supervisor in connection with the governing, operation, conduct or regulation of public companies in the PRC or elsewhere;
(b) comply to the best of my ability with the provisions of the issuer s articles of association (including all provisions regarding the duties of supervisors) and use my best endeavours to procure the issuer and its directors to act at all times in accordance with the issuer s articles of association;
(c) use my best endeavours to procure the issuer and its directors to comply with the GEM Listing Rules, the Code on Takeovers and Mergers, the Code on Share Buy-backs and all other relevant securities laws and regulations from time to time in force in Hong Kong;
(d) inform The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Exchange”) forthwith and in writing, at any time while I am a supervisor of the issuer, of the initiation by the issuer s supervisory committee of legal proceedings against any director of the issuer;
(e) comply to the best of my ability, as if the same applied to me to the same extent as it does to directors, with: (a) Parts XIVA and XV of the Securities and Futures  Ordinance; (b) rules 5.46 to 5.67 of the GEM Listing Rules relating to securities transactions by directors; (c) the Code on Takeovers and Mergers; (d) the Code on Share Buy-backs; and (e) all other relevant securities laws and regulations from time to time in force in Hong Kong;
(f) use my best endeavours to procure that any alternate of mine to comply with the provisions set out above;
(g) I, in accepting to be a supervisor of the issuer,  hereby (i) irrevocably appoint the issuer as my agent, for so long as I remain a supervisor of the issuer, for receiving on my behalf any correspondence from and/or service of notices and other documents by the Exchange; and (ii) authorise the Executive Director - Listing Division (as such term is defined in rule 1.01 of the GEM Listing Rules), or any person authorised by the Executive Director - Listing Division, to disclose any of my personal particulars given by me to members of the Listing Committee (as such term is defined in rule 1.01 of the GEM Listing Rules) and, with the approval of the Chairman or a Deputy Chairman of the Exchange, to such other persons, as the Executive Director - Listing Division may from time to time think fit; and
本人接受出任发行人的监事,即(i)不可撤回地委任发行人为本人的代理人,在本人出任发行人监事期间,代表本人接收任何联交所发出的信函及 / 或送达的通知书及其他文件,及(ii)授权上市科执行总监(按《GEM上市规则》第1.01条界定)(或获其授权的任何人士)将本人提供的个人资料向上巿委员会(按《GEM上市规则》第1.01条界定)委员披露;并在联交所主席或一位副主席批准的情况下,向上巿科执行总监不时认为适当的其他人士披露;及
(h) I shall inform the Exchange (in the manner prescribed by the Exchange from time to time):

(i) as soon as reasonably practicable after my appointment, my telephone number, mobile phone number, facsimile number (if available), email address (if available), residential address and contact address (if different from the residential address) for correspondence from and service of notices and other documents by the Exchange;
(ii) for so long as I remain a supervisor of the issuer, any change to the contact information as described in paragraph (i) as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within 28 days of such change; and
在担任发行人监事期间,如第(i)段所述联络资料有变,须在合理可行的情况下尽快(无论如何于有关变动出现后 28 日内)通知联交所;及
(iii) for a period of 3 years from the date on which I cease to be a supervisor of the issuer, any change to the contact information as described in paragraph (i) as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within 28 days of such change.
在本人不再担任发行人监事之日起计三年内,如第(i)段所述联络资料有变,须在合理可行的情况下尽快(无论如何于有关变动出现后 28 日内)通知联交所。
2 I acknowledge and agree that any correspondence from and/or service of notices and other documents by the Exchange to me when I am a supervisor of the issuer or after I cease to be so, for whatever purposes (including but not limited to the service of notice of disciplinary proceedings) shall be deemed to have been validly and adequately served on me when the document or notice is served personally or is sent by post, facsimile or email to the address or number I provide to the Exchange. I agree and acknowledge that I am responsible for keeping the Exchange informed of my up-to-date contact details. I acknowledge that, if I, as the supervisor or former supervisor of the issuer, fail to provide the Exchange with my up-to-date contact details or arrange for notices, documents or correspondence to be forwarded to me, I may not be alerted to any proceedings commenced against me by the Exchange.
本人承认及同意,在本人出任发行人监事期间或不再出任发行人监事之后,但凡联交所就任何目的向本人发出的信函及 / 或送达的通知书及其他文件(包括但不限于送达纪律程序的通知)若以面交本人的方式,或以邮寄、传真或电邮的方式送达本人向联交所提供的地址或号码,即已有效及充分地送达本人。本人同意及确认,本人有责任向联交所提供本人最新的联络资料。本人确认,若本人(作为发行人的监事或前监事)未能向联交所提供本人最新的联络资料,或未有为送呈本人的通知、文件或书信提供转送安排,本人可能会不知悉联交所向本人展开的任何程序。
3. I shall, when I am a supervisor of the issuer and after I cease to be so:

(a) provide to the Exchange as soon as possible, or otherwise in accordance with time limits imposed by the Exchange:

(i) any information and documents that the Exchange reasonably considers appropriate to protect investors or ensure the smooth operation of the market; and
(ii) any other information and documents or explanation that the Exchange may reasonably require for the purpose of verifying compliance with the GEM Listing Rules; and
(b) cooperate in any investigation conducted by the Listing Division and/or the Listing Committee of the Exchange, including answering promptly and openly any questions addressed to me, promptly producing the originals or copies of any relevant documents and attending before any meeting or hearing at which I am requested to appear.
I hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the Exchange in respect of all matters relevant to the GEM Listing Rules.
I,.............................................................. [Insert Chinese name, if any]:
本人............................................................... [请填上中文姓名(如有)]:

(i) solemnly and sincerely declare that all particulars about me that appear in Part 1(1) of this Form C and in the document referred to in Part 1(2) of this Form C are true, complete and accurate, that I accept responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the foregoing particulars, that I have not made any statements or omissions which would render such particulars untrue or misleading, that I understand the possible consequences of giving information which is false or misleading in a material particular including those as set forth in Note hereto, and that I understand that the Exchange may rely upon the foregoing particulars in assessing my suitability to act as a supervisor of the issuer; and
(ii) undertake and acknowledge with the Exchange in the terms set out in Part 2 of this Form C.


Name of supervisor监事姓名:........................

Hong Kong ID Card Number*                                      


Certified as the true signature of..................................
由以下人士证明上述签署为....................... 的真实签署

Signature (Secretary/Director)                                    

Name (Secretary/Director)                                          
* In the case of a non-Hong Kong ID cardholder, state the passport number or any identification document number and name of issuing authority.

The failure of any person required to lodge this Form C to complete Part 1 of this Form C truthfully, completely and accurately, or the failure to execute Part 2 of this Form C or to observe any of the undertakings made under that Part, constitutes a breach of the GEM Listing Rules. In addition, every supervisor of the issuer supplying information sought or referred to in this Form C, should note that such information constitutes information which is provided to the Exchange in purported compliance with a requirement to provide information under the “relevant provisions”(as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Cap. 571) and is likely to be relied upon by the Exchange. In relation to this, you should be aware that giving to the Exchange any information which is false or misleading in a material particular will render the relevant person liable for prosecution for an offence under section 384 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance. If you have any queries you should consult the Exchange or your professional adviser immediately.
GEM上市规则》。此外,凡提供本C表格所要求或所述资料的发行人监事均应注意,该等资料构成本意是为遵守「有关条文」(定义见香港法例第 571章《证券及期货条例》附表1第1部)项下关于提供资料的规定而向本交易所提供的资料,本交易所或会依赖该等资料。就此, 阁下应注意,根据《证券及期货条例》第384条,在要项上向本交易所提供虚假或具误导性的资料,有关人士即属犯法,会遭检控。若 阁下有任何疑问,应立即谘询本交易所或 阁下的专业顾问。