Market Turnover


Launch of FINI platform

Consequential rules changes to complement FINI

In November 2020, HKEX published a Concept Paper setting out a vision for modernising Hong Kong’s IPO settlement process where a new platform named FINI (Fast Interface for New Issuance) was proposed to address various bottlenecks and pain points in the settlement process of a new listing. Greeted with support from the market, HKEX has since been working on the development of the FINI platform. FINI has now launched and further information is available on the FINI webpage.

The Exchange has introduced appropriate consequential changes (and housekeeping changes) to the Listing Rules and guidance materials (which are set out below) in relation to FINI in June 2023 which will apply to new listing applicants1 that publish prospectuses on or after 22 November 2023.

Revised Listing Rules and Housekeeping Rule Amendments (effective 22 November 2023)

- Information Paper
- Consequential Amendments to the Main Board Listing Rules
- Housekeeping Amendments to the Main Board Listing Rules
- Consequential Amendments to the GEM Listing Rules
- Housekeeping Amendments to the GEM Listing Rules


Guide for New Listing Applicants
- Chapter 3.13 (paragraphs 1 to 5)
- Chapter 4.14
Chapter 6.3

1 Please refer to FINI Transition Arrangements Guide for new listings that do not include a Hong Kong public offer.

Updated 10 May 2024