All directors (executive directors (EDs), non-executive directors (NEDs) and independent non-executive directors (INEDs)) are subject to the same duties under the law and the Listing Rules. In accordance with Listing Rule 3.08, INEDs and all directors must:
- Act honestly and in good faith in the interests of the issuer as a whole.
- Act for a proper purpose.
- Be answerable to the issuer for the application or misapplication of its assets.
- Avoid actual and potential conflicts of interest and duty.
- Disclose fully and fairly their interests in contracts with the issuer.
- Apply such degree of skill, care and diligence as may reasonably be expected of a person of their knowledge and experience and holding their office within the issuer.
INEDs (and NEDs) have the same duties of skill, care and diligence and fiduciary duties as EDs. Due to their independence and valuable professional expertise, INEDs fulfil important roles on the Board, including:
- Bringing independent judgement to bear in Board meetings on issues of strategy, policy, performance, accountability, resources, key appointments and standards of conduct.
- Taking the lead where potential conflicts of interests arise.
- Supervising risk management and internal controls.
- Serving on the audit, remuneration, nomination and other governance committees (if invited).
- Scrutinising the issuer’s performance in achieving agreed corporate goals and objectives, and monitoring performance reporting.