You may contact us through the Enquiry Hotline. Please click here to view the services provided and how to access them.
We welcome feedback from investors as it contributes to the continuing improvement of our markets. Investors' submissions may alert us to breaches of our rules and regulations or practices which undermine investor confidence in our markets. However, there are issues which fall beyond our power and scope in regulating market participants and listed issuers. As a result, we cannot:
Furthermore, there are issues that are governed by the statutory regulator of the securities market, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) and are beyond our jurisdiction to follow up. These include matters relating to takeovers and acquisitions involving listed issuers, insider dealing, market manipulation and other issues governed by the statutes. The SFC is also responsible for matters relating to the financial resources and conduct of intermediaries including, Exchange Participants, as well as investigations and disciplinary matters concerning disputes between Exchange Participants and their clients.
The Exchange can best review a complaint if it receives accurate and complete information from the complainant. The following information should be included in a written complaint so that we can properly and effectively address it:
We require solid information (substantiated with sufficient details) on the alleged wrongdoing before taking follow-up action. In addition, complainants should be prepared to answer follow-up questions from us. If we are not able to obtain the information we need, it creates difficulties for us to follow up on a complaint.
We discourage anonymous complaints or comments. Although anonymous complaints or comments will be noted, we may not be able to proceed with them further because we may need to contact the complainant to seek substantiation of the alleged matters, request clarification of facts or seek further information. Unsubstantiated and/or anonymous complaints will severely constrain the Exchange's ability to pursue the complaints.
We are committed to dealing with complaints quickly. However, the period of time required for following up on the complaints depends on the circumstances of each case.
If a licensed person or registered institution is an Exchange Participant, its trading facilities can have direct access to HKEX's trading facilities. A list of Exchange Participants is available at “Participant Information” of “Find a Partner” under “PRODUCTS” of the HKEX website.
When selecting a securities or futures company, investor should compare services and fees of different companies. Companies who provide in-depth research, investment advice or other value-added services may charge higher commissions than those which merely trade on behalf of clients. Some offer cash accounts only; others also manage discretionary accounts or margin accounts. Investors should weight their own investment and financial needs carefully before deciding on a securities or futures company and the type of accounts to be opened.
HKEX operates securities and derivatives markets that are open and free and welcomes the participation of investors from all over the world. However, overseas investors should comply with regulations governing overseas trading in their own countries or places of residence before trading in Hong Kong.
Journalists new to HKEX are encouraged to visit HKEX Group website to understand our corporate background, or our News Centres for news and announcements of our markets.
Journalists with enquiries may contact HKEX by email at
The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) is an independent statutory body responsible for regulating the market, safeguarding market integrity, and enforcing securities and futures market legislation. Parties regulated by the SFC include Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) and its subsidiaries (including the stock and futures exchanges and associated clearing houses), financial market intermediaries (namely securities dealers which include Exchange Participants; sponsors; share registrars; fund managers; and investment advisers) and investors.
The SFC’s statutory regulatory objectives are:
Regulation of takeovers, share repurchases and privatisations, which may involve investor conduct, is also the responsibility of the SFC.
HKEX is the operator of Hong Kong’s central securities and derivatives marketplace and the front-line regulator of listed issuers (including listed companies). In this role, HKEX regulates listed issuers; administers listing, trading and clearing rules; and provides services at the wholesale level to customers of the exchanges and clearing houses, including issuers and intermediaries (namely investment banks or sponsors, securities and derivatives brokers, custodian banks and information vendors) who service investors directly. Services provided by the exchanges and clearing houses include trading, clearing and settlement, depository and nominee services, and information services.
For more SFC and HKEX regulatory information, please visit the SFC website at and the “How We Regulate” section under "Listing Regulations" of the HKEX website.
The two markets also differ in trading arrangements, for example:
Listed Issuers and Their Professionals
Listed companies can contact their case officers in the Listing Division’s Listed Issuer Regulation Department for enquiries. Please click here for the contact details.
For enquiries about e-Submission System, publication related and registration matters, please contact us via Tel: (852) 2840 3460 or email:
Potential Issuers and Their Professionals
If the issuer and its Sponsor have queries regarding the interpretation of the Listing Rules, the Sponsor or the issuer may contact the IPO Transaction Teams of the Listing Division to seek further guidance.
Contacts persons for Pre-IPO enquiry and IPO processing contact persons
Companies interested in becoming an issuer on the HKEX market please contact our Global Issuer Services.
Companies which are located in the Mainland may contact our Mainland representatives.
Beijing Representative Office
Address: Unit 902-903, 9/F, Winland IFC, 7 Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 100033, China
Tel: (8610) 8519 0288
Fax: (8610) 8519 0299
Shanghai Special Representative
Address: Unit 1807-08, Tower 1, Century Link Tower, 1198 Century Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai 200135, China
Tel: (86)21 6058 6130
Fax: (86)21 6087 5762
Exchange and Clearing House Participants can contact us through the following channels:
Trading Rights and Participantship
General Enquiries Tel: (852) 2840 3626 Email:
Securities Market
General Enquiries Tel: (852) 2840 3626 Email:
Technical Tel: (852) 2840 3351 Email:
General Enquiries Tel: (852) 2979 7111 Email:
China Connect Tel: (852) 2979 7123 Email:
Technical Tel: (852) 2211 6606
Derivatives Market
General Enquiries Tel: (852) 2211 6360 Email:
General Enquiries Tel: (852) 2979 7222 Email:
Hosting Services
General Enquiries Tel: (852) 2211 6447 Email:
Auction Session | |
Pre-opening Session | 9:00 am to 9:30 am |
Continuous Trading Session | |
Morning Session | 9:30 am to 12:00 noon |
Extended Morning Session | 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm |
Afternoon Session | 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm |
Auction Session | 4:00 pm to a random closing between 4:08 pm and 4:10 pm |
Closing Auction Session |
There is no Extended Morning Session and Afternoon Session on the eves of Christmas, New Year and Lunar New Year.
CCASS/3 stands for Central Clearing and Settlement System (also known as CCASS) which is a computerised securities clearing and settlement system developed and operated by Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (HKSCC).It provides browser based user interface via CCASS/3 Terminal (also known as C3T), straight-through-processing with direct linkage via Participant Gateway (PG) to facilitate CCASS Participants day-to-day operations. Clearing Participants (CPs) can also access risk functions via VaR Platform, please refer to the VaR Platform related FAQ for details.
DCASS stands for Derivatives Clearing and Settlement System which serves as a single clearing and settlement system for both the HKFE Clearing Corporation Limited (HKCC) and The SEHK Options Clearing House Limited (SEOCH).
DCASS shares the same platform and infrastructure with the derivatives trading system, HKATS. HKATS and DCASS form the integrated trading and clearing system for the derivatives markets of HKEX.
MSCI Taiwan (USD) Futures, MSCI Taiwan 25/50 (USD) Futures, Hang Seng Index Futures, Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures, Mini-Hang Seng Index Futures, Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures, Hang Seng Index Options, Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Options, Hang Seng Index Futures Options, Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures Options, Mini- Hang Seng Index Options ,Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Options , Weekly Hang Seng Index Options, Weekly Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Options, Hang Seng Index Total Return Index Futures, Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Total Return Index Futures, Hang Seng TECH Index Futures Hang Seng TECH Index Option, Hang Seng TECH Index Futures Options, CNH London Metal Mini Futures, USD London Metal Mini Futures, CNH Gold Futures, USD Gold Futures, CNH Silver Futures, USD Silver Futures, Iron Ore Futures, MSCI Vietnam (USD) Index Futures, MSCI Philippines (USD) Index Futures, MSCI China (USD) Index Futures, MSCI China A 50 Connect (USD) Index Futures, Currency Futures & MSCI Late Close Contracts #are available for trading in AHT.
For enquires about HKEX data products or the application of vendor licences for redistribution of market data and issuer announcements, please refer to the Market Data Services page or contact the Market Data Department via email:
For matters about shareholding, such as share transfer and registration, change of name or address, loss of share certificates or dividend warrants, HKEX's registered shareholders can contact:
Hong Kong Registrars Limited
Address: Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2862 8555
Fax: (852) 2865 0990 / (852) 2529 6087
Corporate Communications materials requests
Registered shareholders can notify us of (a) any change in their choice of language or means of receipt of HKEX's Corporate Communications or (b) any request to receive HKEX's Corporate Communications in printed form, by completing a request form. They may email their requests to or in writing to Hong Kong Registrars Limited, HKEX's share registrar (Address: 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong).
Note: For shareholders whose shares are held through brokers or custodians, they have to inform their respective brokers or custodians if they want to receive HKEX's Corporate Communications.
Please click here to know more about corporate communications materials requests.
Other Enquiries or Requests from Investors of HKEX
HKEX investors can contact General Enquiries if they have enquiries or requests other than the above.
Address: 8/F, Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2868 4084
Tel: (852) 2840 3330
Registered Office:
8/F, Two Exchange Square,
8 Connaught Place, Central,
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2522 1122
Fax: (852) 2295 3106
HKEX Representative Office in Beijing:
Unit 902-903, 9/F,
Winland IFC, 7 Financial Street,
Xicheng District, Beijing 100033
Tel: (86) 10 8519 0288
Fax: (86) 10 8519 0299
Shanghai Special Representative:
Unit 1807-08, Tower 1,
Century Link Tower, 1198 Century Avenue,
Pudong, Shanghai 200135,
Tel: (86) 21 6058 6130
Fax: (86) 21 6087 5762
Singapore Office:
Address: 9 Battery Road
#07-02 MYP Centre, Singapore 049910
Tel: (65) 0 6592 4482
London Office:
Address: 10 Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1AJ, England
Tel: +44 (0)20 7113 8883
Address: 7/F, 1270 Avenue of Americas,
New York City, NY 10020, USA .