Director A: I knew I would not be available to attend the meeting but I reviewed the draft report in detail before the meeting. The report mentioned certain disposals of subsidiaries but I was never informed about them. I have circulated my comments to the Board before the meeting, and have asked for more information regarding the disposals – including the reasons for and commercial rationale of the disposals; why we were not previously told about them; whether there are any Listing Rule implications and, if so, what steps are being taken to re-comply with the Rules.
I also asked why the internal controls have not been able to identify and detect any failings; and what are the steps taken to improve the internal controls so that such failings do not happen again. I will also read the draft and final version of the minutes of the meeting to fully understand what has happened, and to see whether there are any matters which require follow-up.
Director B: I have the same issues which Director A raised. I attended the meeting and have raised them for discussion with the Board. The issuer did not comply with the Listing Rules for the disposals, and there were internal control deficiencies – steps will now be taken to address these matters. To ensure that we can properly follow up on these matters, we have established a reporting mechanism in respect of the implementation of the remedial measures. I will also make sure that the issues I raised are fully recorded in the meeting minutes.