To increase their competitiveness to meet increasingly globalised challenges, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd (SEHK), the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Ltd (HKFE) and the Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co Ltd (HKSCC) merged on 6 March 2000 into a single controlling company known as Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX). HKEX listed on SEHK on 27 June 2000. In December 2012, HKEX acquired the London Metal Exchange (LME), the world’s premier metal exchange. In May 2012, OTC Clearing Hong Kong Limited (OTC Clear) was incorporated as the clearing house of clearing OTC Derivatives in Hong Kong.
With SEHK, HKFE, HKSCC, LME and OTC Clear as subsidiaries, HKEX is composed of various business functions each led by the management and the board of directors. The board of directors, as the highest decision-making unit, lays down HKEX’s objectives, missions, strategies, policies and business plans, and oversees execution by the management.
For more information about HKEX, please visit "About HKEX" at the HKEX website.