Hong Kong stock market performance is gauged by various indices, including the Hang Seng Index, the S&P/HKEX LargeCap Index, the S&P/HKEX GEM Index, the FTSE/Xinhua indexes and the MSCI indexes.
The Hang Seng Index, complied by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited, is most widely used in Hong Kong to reflect the performance of the stock market. The index is reviewed by the company on a regular basis and is currently composed of about 50 stocks representing approximately 50 per cent of the market capitalisation of the Main Board. As the Hong Kong market developed, a series of indices based on issuers’ regions and industries and the liquidity of their shares emerged to reflect the performance of various types of stocks listed in Hong Kong. These indices such as the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, the Hang Seng China H-Financials Index and the Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index. For information about the Hang Seng Index series, please visit the Hang Seng Indexes website at www.hsi.com.hk.
The S&P/HKEX LargeCap Index is composed of 25 stocks representing about 75 per cent of the total market capitalisation of the Main Board. Designed to track the performance of shares listed on GEM, the S&P/HKEX GEM Index has no fixed number of constituents but each of its constituents is subject to strict liquidity requirements. For information about the S&P/HKEX index series, please visit the Standard & Poor’s website at www.standardandpoors.com.