We strive to provide quality information to shareholders as well as our many stakeholders regarding the latest developments at HKEX whilst ensuring that relevant information is equally and simultaneously provided and accessible to all interested parties.
- The Continuous Disclosure and Communication Policy sets out the guiding principles, practices and procedures for the disclosure of information to external parties and communications with our stakeholders.
- The Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring ongoing and effective communications with shareholders.
- The Investor Relations Department and the Corporate Communications Department maintain continuous and active dialogue with investors, media and analysts through a comprehensive programme of roadshows, conference calls, one-on-one meetings and industry conferences. Information about the key investor relations activities conducted during the year is set out in the CSR Reports. External analysts’ reports and news about the Group are circulated to all Directors to further develop their knowledge and understanding of external views about the Group.
- An effective communication system is in place to provide transparent, regular and timely public disclosures about important issues, including performance, fundamental business strategies, governance and risk management, to our stakeholders through various communication channels.
- HKEX Group website provides comprehensive and most updated information about the Group, including our news, financial results, announcements, composition of the Board/Board Committees and their respective terms of reference, and HKEX’s corporate documents such as the Articles of Association and minutes of general meetings.
- Financial statements (including interim and annual reports) and results announcements (including quarterly, interim and annual results, and webcast of presentations delivered by the Chief Executive and the Group Chief Financial Officer on interim and annual results) of HKEX provide the latest financial performance and overview of the Group’s business operations.
- Circulars and letters to shareholders provide information on matters that require to be brought to the attention or action of shareholders, such as appointment of Directors, amendments to the Articles of Association, matters relating to poll voting at annual general meetings, election of language and means of receipt of HKEX’s corporate communications, etc.
- Announcements of HKEX regarding HKEX’s major corporate actions are posted on the HKEX Group website in accordance with the Listing Rules and published in newspapers when appropriate.
- News releases regarding the Group’s business initiatives and speeches delivered by HKEX’s Directors/key executives provide information about HKEX’s activities and development.
- HKEX Insight provides updates of the Group’s developments.
- CSR Reports set out our performance in CSR practices and the engagement programme with stakeholders.
- Financial calendar sets out the important shareholders’ dates and the results announcement dates.
- Market consultations, periodic surveys and interviews serve to solicit our stakeholders’ views on new products or services to be launched by HKEX and on proposals to improve the overall market structure and efficiency.
- Submissions by HKEX set out our views and/or comments on Government’s proposals in relation to financial market initiatives which might affect HKEX’s business operations as well as the development of Hong Kong’s financial market.
- Tripartite meetings (a bi-monthly liaison meeting) of the Financial Services and Treasury Bureau, the SFC and HKEX are held to consider market regulatory issues and matters affecting the development of the securities and futures markets.
- Regular meetings held under the Memorandum of Regulatory Cooperation (currently on a half-yearly basis) of the SFC, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and HKEX to consider regulatory issues arising from the listing of the H-share companies in Hong Kong.
- Designated contact points of HKEX
- A dedicated Investor Relations section on HKEX Group website
Stakeholders who are interested in receiving information about HKEX may register for the News Alerts service in the Market Data section of the HKEX Market website. Upon successful registration, they will receive alerts when HKEX publishes its corporate communications on the HKEXnews website.
Shareholders are encouraged to access HKEX’s corporate communications from the HKEX Group website to help conserve the environment, and we believe that this is also the most prompt, efficient and convenient method of communication with shareholders. Click here for procedures of obtaining corporate communications via electronic means.