The Company Secretary supports the Chairman in promoting the highest standards of corporate governance, and facilitating the effective functioning of the Board and its committees, where appropriate.
- The Company Secretary reports to the Chairman on Board/committee matters. The appointment and removal of the Company Secretary is a matter for the Board as a whole.
- All Directors have direct access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary for the ongoing discharge of their duties and responsibilities.
- The key functions of the Company Secretary include –
- assisting the Chairman in ensuring that there are timely and appropriate information flows to the Board and between the Non-executive Directors and the management, to enable Directors to discharge their responsibilities
- ensuring that Board’s policy and procedures, and all applicable rules and regulations, are complied with by each and every Director
- ensuring accurate records of Board/committee (where appropriate) meeting proceedings, discussions and decisions are recorded
- giving independent, impartial advice to the Board on governance matters
- providing updates to the Board on regulatory, CG, new legislations, and Directors’ duties and obligations
- facilitating induction and professional development of Directors
- facilitating communications with shareholders through a variety of means, including annual general meetings, circulars and periodic reports