At HKEX, the Board takes on the overall responsibility for overseeing and reviewing the Group’s sustainability strategy, including climate-related risks and opportunities, and their respective policies. It also reviews the Group’s performance and progress against corresponding targets and objectives at least annually.
Corporate Responsibility Committee
The Corporate Responsibility Committee (CR Committee), formerly known as the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, is delegated by the Board to oversee matters concerning the corporate responsibility management framework and policies. The CR Committee consists of six Board members, including the HKEX Board Chairman, who acts as the CR Committee’s chairman, the Chief Executive Officer of HKEX and four other Board members. The CR Committee is responsible for providing directions on and overseeing the development and implementation of HKEX’s CR strategy and initiatives.
Executive Corporate Responsibility Committee
Co-chaired by the Chief Executive Officer and the Group Chief Sustainability Officer an Executive Corporate Responsibility Committee (ECRC) is a sub-committee of the HKEX Management Committee to provide active management of all CR matters, and reports to both the Management Committee and the CR Committee. The ECRC is responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the CR strategy, policies and initiatives across the Group. The ECRC also advises on and reviews the determination of relevant metrics and key performance indicators for CR priorities, as well as the development of short- and long-term targets for implementing and achieving respective goals and complying with relevant laws and regulations for CR priorities or initiatives.
Sustainability Division
Led by the Group Chief Sustainability Officer, Sustainability Division is responsible for implementing the sustainability strategy and coordinating across different business divisions, helping with day-to-day operations and communications, and promoting market and employee awareness of the Group’s sustainability focuses and initiatives.
Our Policies
Taking into account our responsibilities to our markets, people, communities and stakeholders, our sustainability-related policies and statements provide principles and guidance on integrating sustainability considerations into our strategy and operations.