Updated : 21 Aug 2024

The established Corporate Governance Structure (diagram) of HKEX, comprising the following parties, provides a comprehensive framework to (i) enhance accountability to shareholders and other stakeholders, (ii) ensure timely and accurate disclosures of all material matters, (iii) deal fairly with shareholders and other stakeholder interests, and (iv) maintain high standards of business ethics and integrity. It is specifically designed to enable HKEX to discharge its statutory duty of ensuring an orderly, informed and fair market and of ensuring risks are managed prudently, while pursuing its business objectives, which helps reinforce Hong Kong’s position as an international financial centre.

  • Board of Directors – is responsible for providing leadership, either directly or through its committees, to HKEX and its subsidiaries (Group) in order to deliver long-term value to shareholders and other stakeholders. It also leads and supervises the Group’s management to act in the interest of the public as well as its shareholders, but in case of conflict, the former shall prevail. It establishes corporate policies, sets strategic direction, ensures that an effective internal control environment is in place, and oversees the management which is responsible for day-to-day operations. The Board however recognises that delegating its functions and authorities to its committees and the management does not absolve its overall responsibility for the sound governance of HKEX.
  • Company Secretary – is responsible for facilitating the Board process, as well as communications among Board members, with our shareholders and the management, and advising the Board and its committees on all governance matters.
  • International Advisory Council – comprises experts in economics, business, technology and finance from around the world, acting as advisors to provide HKEX's Board with expert insight and perspective.
  • Mainland China Advisory Group – comprises senior industry experts with deep China market experience, acting as advisors to provide HKEX's Board with high-level views on the economic outlook of Mainland China and other insights on Mainland China development.   
  • Management Committee – has delegated authority from the Board for performing the day-to-day management functions of the business and implementing all projects and initiatives as approved by the Board.
  • External auditor and Internal Audit Department – provide assurance on financial reporting and/or internal controls to ensure accountability and audit quality.
  • Shareholders – elect their representatives as directors of HKEX (Directors) at general meetings to oversee the Group’s business.
  • Other stakeholders – interact with the Group on daily operations. They include institutional investors, market regulators, government bodies, listed/potential issuers and market intermediaries, Exchange/Clearing Participants/Members, Information Vendors and market participants, Mainland exchanges, overseas exchanges, investing public, media and analysts, non-governmental organisations, industry associations, professional bodies, market users, suppliers/business partners and employees.