Updated : 03 Feb 2020
Consists of 5 members -
  • the Board Chairman (as the chairman of the Committee)
  • the Chief Executive of HKEX
  • 3 other INEDs

Major roles and functions
To receive updates and/or approve material operational matters of the Group, including but not limited to:
  • Approve changes in trading and clearing rules/procedures, and suspension or termination of existing business lines
  • Review updates on market receptions of new products, services and business lines, and any delisting, suspension or termination of trading/clearing products
  • Receive updates on changes to the organisation structure of the Group
  • Receive updates on Group’s expenditures under annual budget, and approve relevant changes in budgets, excess expenditures, and write-off/disposal of IT equipment within certain monetary limits
  • Approve intercompany loans to non-wholly owned subsidiaries or new bank borrowings or facilities within certain monetary limits, and any early repayment or cancellation
  • Oversee compliance with the Group’s Articles of Association

Operating mode
Meet if necessary once a month and no less than quarterly