The following fees apply to each security transaction1:
Effective 1 April 2003, the brokerage of security transactions becomes freely negotiable between brokers and their clients.
SFC Transaction Levy
Effective 1 November 2014, a SFC Transaction Levy of 0.0027% (rounded to the nearest cent) is charged per side of the consideration of a transaction, and the amount is collected for the SFC. There is no SFC Transaction Levy on Securities Market Maker (SMM) transactions.
To simplify operations with a unified basis for fee calculation for transactions in non-Hong Kong dollar currencies, the Exchange will adopt the same exchange rates as for stamp duty calculation purpose for calculating SFC Transaction Levy if applicable.
Investor Compensation Levy
Effective 19 December 2005, the payment of Investor Compensation Levy (i.e. 0.002% per side of the consideration of a transaction, rounded to the nearest cent) has been suspended by the SFC.
To simplify operations with a unified basis for fee calculation for transactions in non-Hong Kong dollar currencies, the Exchange will adopt the same exchange rates as for stamp duty calculation purpose for calculating Investor Compensation Levy if applicable.
AFRC Transaction Levy
Effective 1 January 2022, an AFRC Transaction Levy of 0.00015% (rounded to the nearest cent) is charged per side of the consideration of a transaction, and the amount is collected for the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (AFRC). There is no AFRC Transaction Levy on Securities Market Maker (SMM) transactions.
To simplify operations with a unified basis for fee calculation for transactions in non-Hong Kong dollar currencies, the Exchange will adopt the same exchange rates as for stamp duty calculation purpose for calculating AFRC Transaction Levy if applicable.
Trading Fee3
A Trading Fee of 0.00565% per side of the consideration of a transaction (rounded to the nearest cent) is payable to the Exchange. Different rate of exemption of the Trading Fee will apply to the SMM
transactions in different categories of Exchange Traded Products.
To simplify operations with a unified basis for fee calculation for transactions in non-Hong Kong dollar currencies, the Exchange will adopt the same exchange rates as for stamp duty calculation purpose for calculating Trading Fee if applicable.
Stamp Duty on Stock Transaction
Unless stated otherwise, all securities listed on the Exchange are subject to a stamp duty at a rate of 0.1% (rounded up to the nearest dollar) on the value of the transaction, on both the buyer and the seller. Please click here for a full list showing securities not subject to Hong Kong Stamp Duty. Stamp Duty remissions apply to all eligible DCMM transactions and SMM transactions.
To facilitate the calculation of stamp duty to be paid through the Exchange for transactions in non-Hong Kong dollar currencies on any trading day, the exchange rates of Hong Kong dollars against renminbi and US dollars will be published on the HKEx website. Please click here to access the exchange rate information.
Transfer Deed Stamp Duty
Independent of the quantity of shares traded, the Government levies a transfer deed stamp duty of HK$5.00, payable by the registered holder of the pertaining share certificate(s), i.e. the seller, on each new transfer deed.
Transfer Fee
Independent of the quantity of shares traded, the registrar of each listed company levies a transfer fee of HK$2.50 per share certificate from the registered holder, i.e. the buyer, for each new certificate issued.
Initial Public Offer Shares
Of the transaction costs discussed above, brokerage, SFC Transaction Levy, AFRC Transaction Levy and trading fee are applicable to initial public offer share. For ease of reference, below please find a simple illustration of how some of the above transaction costs are involved and calculated in an application for new shares offered by a new listing issuer. Contents of the below illustration are agreed following consultation among the Exchange, the SFC and the Hong Kong Association of Banks and the demonstration is mainly for the benefit of the public in understanding the method of calculating a correct amount in application for new shares.
Formula for Amount Payable for Initial Public Offer Shares
The amount payable for initial public offer shares (“Amount Payable”) comprises five elements, namely:
(i) Application Money - the offer price of the number of the shares applied for;
(ii) Brokerage Fees2 - 1% of the Application Money;
(iii) SFC Transaction Levy4 - 0.0027% of the Application Money; |
(iv) AFRC Transaction Levy5 - 0.00015% of the Application Money; and |
(v) the Exchange Trading Fee6 - 0.00565% of the Application Money
Each component in (1) above should be calculated separately to arrive at a sub-total. Where applicable, the relevant sub-total should be rounded to the nearest cent i.e. if the third digit after the decimal point is 0.005 or above, it should be rounded up; otherwise it should be rounded down. The five sub-totals should then be added together to arrive at the Amount Payable.
For example:
No. of Public Offer Shares Applied
Issue Price
: HK$5.23
: 1%
SFC Transaction Levy
: 0.0027%
AFRC Transaction Levy
: 0.00015% |
The Exchange Trading Fee
: 0.00565%
Application Money
[2,000 x $5.23]
[$10,460 x 1%]
SFC Transaction Levy
[$10,460 x 0.0027%]
AFRC Transaction Levy
[$10,460 x 0.00015%] |
$0.01569 |
$0.02 |
the Exchange Trading Fee
[$10,460 x 0.00565%]
Amount Payable for Public Offer Shares
Financial Transaction Tax Charged by Other Foreign Jurisdictions
Relevant transactions conducted on or reported to the SEHK on shares issued by companies incorporated in other foreign jurisdictions (e.g. France and Italy) and their related derivative products may be subject to financial transaction tax charged by their home tax authorities. For details, investors are advised to consult their tax advisors or refer to the issuer announcements at
1 |
Brokers or custodians have to pay HKSCC service fees for use of the clearing, settlement, custody and nominee services offered by CCASS. Investors may be charged by their brokers or custodians for such CCASS services unless investors settle with brokers or custodians outside CCASS. The decision on whether and how to pass these CCASS related service fees on to investors will be totally at the discretion of the brokers or custodians. For details of CCASS service fees, please click here. |
2 |
The brokerage of IPO transactions is currently set at 1% of the application money (Paragraph 7 of Appendix 8 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities ('Main Board Listing Rules') and Paragraph 6 of Appendix 9 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM ('GEM Listing Rules')). |
3 |
Effective 1 January 2023, Trading Tariff was removed and the Trading Fee was revised from 0.005% to 0.00565% per side of the consideration of a transaction (rounded to the nearest cent). |
4 |
Treatment as mandated in Paragraph 5 of Appendix 8 to the Main Board Listing Rules - SFC Transaction Levy on New Issues states that the SFC Transaction Levy together with the Investor Compensation Levy shall be calculated on an aggregated basis (rounded to the nearest cent) by applying the percentage rates as specified from time to time in the Securities and Futures (Levy) Order and the Securities and Futures (Investor Compensation - Levy) Rules to the total consideration payable to the issuer by investors. Similar reference can also be found in Paragraph 3 of Appendix 9 to the GEM Listing Rules. Due to the suspension of payment of the Investor Compensation Levy, investors are not required to pay Investor Compensation Levies in respect of sales and purchases of securities and futures contracts with effect from 19 December 2005 until terminated by a termination notice published by the SFC. Effective 1 December 2006, the SFC Transaction Levy was reduced from 0.005% to 0.004% of the consideration for each purchase or sale of securities pursuant to the Securities and Futures (Reduction of Levy) Order 2006. Effective 1 October 2010, the SFC Transaction Levy payable by a buyer or a seller for a securities transaction was further lowered from 0.004% to 0.003% pursuant to the Securities and Futures (Levy) (Amendment) Order 2010. Effective 1 November 2014, the SFC Transaction Levy payable by a buyer or a seller for a securities transaction was further lowered from 0.003% to 0.0027% pursuant to the Securities and Futures (Levy) (Amendment) Order 2014. |
5 |
Treatment as mandated in Paragraph 11B of Appendix 8 to the Main Board Listing Rules - AFRC Transaction Levy states that the AFRC Transaction Levy shall be calculated (rounded to the nearest cent) by applying the percentage rate as specified from time to time in the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council Ordinance to the total consideration payable to the issuer by investors. Similar reference can also be found in Paragraph 9B of Appendix 9 to the GEM Listing Rules. In the case of an initial public offering (IPO), the AFRC Transaction Levy shall be payable where the IPO allotment results announcement date falls on a date on or after 1 January 2022 (as shown in the indicative timetable set out in the relevant prospectus). |
Treatment as mandated in Paragraph 6 of Appendix 8 to the Main Board Listing Rules - Trading Fee on New Issues (see also Paragraph 4 of Appendix 9 to the GEM Listing Rules).