16 December 2016, Friday
Karrie International Holdings Limited hosted the Market Open Ceremony
Karrie International Holdings Limited hosted the Market Open Ceremony on 16 December 2016 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its listing.
15 December 2016, Thursday
100 Women in Finance hosted the Market Open Ceremony

Ms. Sarah Dyer Dana and Ms. Carol Kim, Co-founders of 100 Women in Finance, Mr. Romnesh Lamba, Co-Head of Market Development, HKEX and Ms. Clara Chan, Head of Direct Investment, HKMA hosted
Market Open Ceremony to celebrate100 Women in Finance's 15thAnniversary on 15 December 2016.
12 December 2016, Monday
Hong Kong Investor Relations Association hosted the Market Open Ceremony

Dr. Eva Chan, Chairman of Hong Kong Investor Relations Association and Mr. Romnesh Lamba, Co-Head of Market Development, HKEX hosted Market Open Ceremony on12 December 2016 to celebrate HKIRA’s 8thAnniversary and the success of IR Symposium 2016.
28 October 2016, Friday
AIA Group Limited hosted the Market Closing Ceremony

Mr. Jacky Chan, Chief Executive Officer of AIA Hong Kong & Macau hosted Market Closing Ceremony on 28 October 2016 to celebrate AIA 85th Anniversary.
8 July 2016, Friday
Bamboos Health Care Holdings Limited hosted the Market Open Ceremony

Bamboos Health Care Holdings Limited hosted the Market Open Ceremony on 8 July 2016 to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of its listing.
1 June 2016, Wednesday
Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades Limited hosted the Market Open Ceremony

Mr. Simon Wong, JP, President, Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades Limited and Mr. Lee Yuen Hong, Chairman, Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades Limited hosted Market Open Ceremony on 1 June 2016.
12 May 2016, Thursday
Gold-Finance Holdings Limited hosted the Market Open Ceremony

Mr Wei Jie, Chairman of Gold Finance Holdings Limited hosted Market Open Ceremony on 12 May 2016. |
22 March 2016, Tuesday
HKEX Hosted Market Opening Ceremony to Welcome Lithuanian Prime Minister

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) hosted a market opening ceremony on 22 March 2016 to welcome Algirdas Butkevičius, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania and the official delegation.
HKEX Chairman Chow Chung Kong and Mr Butkevičius opened morning trading in HKEX’s securities market by striking a gong.
8 March 2016, Tuesday
Women’s Exchange at HKEX and Women in ETFs hosted the Market Open Ceremony

Ms Charlene Low, Co-head, Women in ETFs Asia Pacific Chapter, Ms Angelina Kwan, Chairperson of Women’s Exchange and Head of Regulatory Compliance, HKEX,Ms Yvonne Ng, Co-head, Women in ETFs Asia Pacific Chapter andMr Brian Roberts, Senior Vice President, Client and Marketing Services hosted Market Open Ceremony on 8 March 2016. |
7 March 2016, Monday
Morningstar Asia Limited hosted the Market Open Ceremony

Mr. Nick Cheung, CEO, Asia and Mr. Jeff Ptak, Global Head of Manager Research of Morningstar Asia Limited hosted Market Open Ceremony on 7 March 2016.
1 March 2016, Tuesday
C&D International Investment Group Limited hosted the Market Open Ceremony

Mr. Zhuang Yuekai, Chairman and Executive Director of C&D International Investment Group Limited hosted Market Open Ceremony on 1 March 2016. |
25 February 2016, Thursday
DTXS Silk Road Investment Holdings Company Limited hosted the Market Open Ceremony

Mr. Pat Lardner, Chief Executive of Irish Funds and Mr. Paul Kavanagh, Ambassador of Ireland to China hosted Market Closing Ceremony on 19 January 2016. |
19 January 2016, Tuesday
Irish Funds Associationhosted the Market Closing Ceremony

Mr. Pat Lardner, Chief Executive of Irish Funds and Mr. Paul Kavanagh, Ambassador of Ireland to Chinahosted Market Closing Ceremony on 19 January 2016. |