Market Turnover


Report on Initial Public Offering Applications, Delisting and Suspensions (As at 30 July 2021)

Market Operations
30 Jul 2021

Report on Initial Public Offering Applications, Delisting and Suspensions
(As at 30 July 2021)

Main Board GEM Total
New Applications Accepted(1)

a. July 2021 41 0 41
b. 2021 Year-to-date 214 7 221
Approvals in principle granted(1)
a. July 2021
7 0 7
b. 2021 Year-to-date 80 0 80
Active applications(1) (as at 30 July 2021)
1. Under processing  
a. New applications accepted since 1 January 2021 154 6 160
b. Others







Sub-total 187 16 203
2. Approval in principle granted  
a. Approvals granted since 1 January 2021 10 0 10
b. Others







Total 197 16 213

Inactive applications(2) (since 1 January 2021)
1. Lapsed  
a. Approval in principle granted but not listed prior to application lapsed 13 0 13

b. Others 73 12 85
2. Rejected 0 0 0
3. Withdrawn 3 2 5
4. Returned(3)







Total 91 14 105

5. Renewals(4)
58 11 69
6. Returned cases resubmitted(5)







Total 58 11 69

No. of new listings (since 1 January 2021)

1. Newly listed companies(6)              85 1 86
2. Transfer of listing from GEM to Main Board







Total 86 1 87

First Comment Letters Issued(7)
a. July 2021
b. Average number of days taken between the date of application and the date of issue of related first comment letter 18
Guidance issued to potential new listing applicants or their advisers on matters relating to the Listing Rules
a. July 2021 17

b. Average number of days taken between the date of request for guidance and the date of issue of written response(8) 15

(1) Includes application(s) by investment vehicle(s) pursuant to Chapters 20 and 21 of the Main Board Listing Rules, application(s) for transfer of listing from GEM to the Main Board, and deemed new applicant(s)pursuant to Main Board Listing Rule 8.21C or Main Board Listing Rule 14.84, and very substantial acquisition(s) treated as reverse takeover(s) pursuant to Main Board Listing Rule 14.06(6)/GEM Listing Rule 19.06(6).
(2) Includes any application (or renewal) not approved, returned, rejected or withdrawn within six months from date of application.
(3) Applications accepted for vetting but subsequently returned on the ground that the information in the listing application proof or related documents is not substantially complete. 
(4) Includes all applications accepted within three months following a lapsed, rejected or withdrawn application by the same applicant.
(5) Applications resubmitted to the Exchange after an 8-week moratorium from the date of the return letter.
(6) Not include transfer of listing from GEM to the Main Board. 
(7) First comment letters are the first letters issued by Listing Department staff that contain the comments on the respective listing applications. It only covers the first comment letters issued this month. For reports issued from January 2011 onwards, non-business days have been subtracted from “the average number of days taken”.  The figures exclude cases for a transfer of listing from GEM to the Main Board. If included, the number of first comment letters issued is 45 and the average number of days taken is 18.
(8) Covers only the guidance letters issued this month. For the reports issued from January 2011 onwards, non-business days have been subtracted from "the average number of days taken".

Delisting and Suspension Information
(As at 30 July 2021)

Main Board GEM Total
(a) Number of delisted companies (since 1 January 2021)

a. Withdrawal of listing pursuant to privatisation 11 1 12
b. Transfer of listing from GEM to Main Board N/A 1 1
c. Cancellation of listing pursuant to delisting procedures under the Listing Rules 13 5 18
d. Voluntary withdrawal of listing







Total 29 7 36
(b) Number of companies in suspension for three months or more (as at 30 July 2021)
a.  Main Board companies in delisting procedures under Practice Note 17(9) 4 N/A
b. Companies given notice for delisting(10)  0 0 0
c. Other suspended companies(11)  86 18 104
d. Delisting approved by the Listing Committee







Total 96 21 117

Other Information
(As at 30 July 2021)

Main Board GEM  Total
(c) Number of listed companies (as at 30 July 2021) 2,206 362 2,568

(9) Main Board companies that are placed in a three stage process of delisting under Practice Note 17 to the Main Board Listing Rules for failure to maintain sufficient operations or assets.
(10) The Exchange has decided to commence procedures under Main Board Rule 6.10 or GEM Rule 9.15 to cancel the listing of companies on the grounds set out in Main Board Rule 6.01 or GEM Rule 9.14.
(11) The Exchange may cancel the listing of companies if trading in their securities has remained suspended for 18 continuous months under Main Board Rule 6.01A or 12 continuous months under GEM Rule 9.14A.  Depending on the specific facts and circumstances of a suspended company, the Exchange may at any time publish a delisting notice stating its right to delist the company if it fails to resume trading within a shorter period specified in the notice.
* 6 Main Board companies and 3 GEM companies have applied to the Exchange to review the delisting decisions.  The review procedures are in progress.

This report is updated on the last trading day of each month.




Updated 06 Jul 2021