Yes. Exchange Participants who would like to share the same pair of SDNet/2 circuits with trading traffic (orders and trades) and market data traffic are only allowed to do so if all the traffic on the circuits belongs to the same market (i.e. either securities market or derivatives market). OMD-Index, which is market neutral, can be carried on the same pair of circuits with securities market or derivatives market. For example, Exchange Participants of derivatives market may use the same pair of SDNet/2 circuits for their access to OMD-D DP, OMD-Index and HKATS Central Gateways. Clients who plan to share SDNet/2 circuits should, however, make a thorough technical assessment of the possible operational risks and complexity in troubleshooting (latency, connectivity, etc.) associated with such an approach. Troubleshooting support from us will be limited under such circuit sharing given the increased complexity.
Unlike SDNet/2, Clients can subscribe both trading traffic and market data traffic across different markets in the same pair of ports via HKEX Hosting Services (HSN).