Market Turnover


HKEX Orion Market Data Platform - Derivatives Market (OMD-D)

The HKEX Orion Market Data Platform – Derivatives Market (OMD-D) launched in December 2014.  A suite of datafeed products under OMD-D for the Derivatives Market includes conflated market-by-price datafeeds (Derivatives Standard), streaming market-by-price datafeeds (Derivatives Premium) and streaming market-by-order datafeeds (Derivatives FullTick).

On-boarding Documents

 On-boarding procedure and Checklist
 Guideline for the Use of the On-boarding Tool

Readiness Test Documents

 Readiness Test Schedule and Rundown
 Readiness Test Procedures
 Readiness Test Answer Book Version 8.3
 Readiness Test Result Declaration Form (for HKEX-IS clients / for HKEX-IS (China) clients)

Technical Documents

 OMD Interface Specifications for Derivatives Market Datafeed Products – Binary Protocol (version 1.46)
 OMD Developers Guide for Derivatives Market Datafeed Products (version 1.26)
 OMD Connectivity Guide for Derivatives Market Datafeed Products (version 1.19)
After the launch of OMD Index Feed Enhancement
   OMD Developers Guide for Derivatives Market Datafeed Products (version 1.27)
  OMD Connectivity Guide for Derivatives Market Datafeed Products (version 1.20)

Materials for the Resilience Enhancement (Introduction Material / FAQs)


 Please refer to Rules, Forms & Fees section for Technical Forms - Derivatives Market Data (OMD-D)


Go To OverviewClient Notices, FAQs.

Updated 27 Jun 2024