Market Turnover


HKEx's submissions to the Expert Group

01 Apr 2003


Statutory Backing on Major Listing Requirement
24 March 2005

Combined submission of HKEx in response to the FSTB and SFC consultation papers on proposals to give statutory backing to major listing requirements
Exempting securities dealings from profits tax
The Board of Directors of HKEx sent a letter to the Secretary for Financial Services and Treasury on 28 October 2004 expressing its views on exempting securities dealing from profits tax.
28 October 2004
HKEx Letter to FSTB on exemption of dealing in Hong Kong listed securities from profits tax
7 January 2005
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau’s response to HKEx’s submission on exempting securities dealings from profit tax 
Estate duty review
In the 2004-2005 Budget Speech, the Financial Secretary proposed that a review of the estate duty should be conducted to examine whether Hong Kong should adjust the current duty regime to attract more foreign capital.  In response to the Government consultation paper published in July 2004, the Board of Directors of HKEx sent a letter to the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau on 16 September 2004 expressing its views on the subject.
16 September 2004
HKEx Letter to FSTB on estate duty review
Enhance the regulation of listing in Hong Kong
14 January 2004
Submission of HKEx in Response to the Consultation Document on Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Listing in Hong Kong
Full text of the submission
HKEx has made some minor amendments to four pages of its submission document of 14 January 2004 in response to the Government's consultation document on proposals to enhance the regulation of listing in Hong Kong. Notwithstanding the amendments, the conclusion of the submission remains entirely unchanged.
The amendments are listed as follows:
  1. On page 4, paragraph 10: the sentence "under the power delegated by the Listing Committee" was added in line 6;
  2. On page 13, paragraph 16: the market statistics were updated to 2003 full year figures;
  3. On page 20, last paragraph: the actual staff headcount of 110 as at31 December 2003 was quoted instead of the budgeted headcount of 118 for 2003; and
  4. On page 31, paragraph 55: the sentence "under the power delegated by the Listing Committee" was added in line 10 in order to be consistent with the abovementioned amendment on page 4. 
HKEx's submissions to the Expert Group
November 2002
First Submission (without appendices)
December 2002
Second Submission
December 2002
Third Submission

Updated 01 Apr 2003