EPs/CPs/CMs/ IVs are advised to contact the Accredited Vendors directly for the prices of SDNet/2 circuit and related services.
Currently, there are some situations where the Accredited Vendors are not allowed to install fibre cables (e.g. inside premises of data centre service providers or buildings whose building & management offices who sell their own fibre cables). EPs/CPs/CMs/IVs may need to bear the extra services cost charged by third parties. In such cases, EPs/CPs/CMs/IVs are advised to check with the Accredited Vendors because the degrees of installed fibre at each building by different Accredited Vendors may vary.
Due to the fact that the installation environment varies in different sites, the selected Accredited Vendor will carry out site visit to the offices of EPs/CPs/CMs/IVs and will discuss with the EPs/CPs/CMs/IVs on the facilities required for the circuit installation. Therefore, Ps/CPs/CMs/IVs should check with the Accredited Vendors if there is any extra cost required for the circuit installation according to actual situation.