Participants can make use of the DCASS security features to manage passwords and access rights of their DCASS Online users. 2 DCASS Online users with full access to all available functions and 1 DCASS Administrator user will be set up for each Participant. Participants can manage their own user access profiles and reset passwords for their DCASS Online users by the DCASS Administrator user. For details, please refer to chapter 8 of DCASS User Guide.
Participants can connect their back-office system to DCASS using customized OAPI to enable straight-through-processing.
Participants should comply with the following password complexity requirements for their DCASS users:
Password Requirements |
Types of DCASS User |
(i.e. "BO_CXXX8xx"/"BO_CXXX9xx)
DCASS Online User
(i.e. "BU_CXXX1xx")
DCASS Administrator User
(i.e. "BU_CXXX2xx")
Password length |
should be at least 8 characters and at most 20 characters in length |
should be at least 16 characters and at most 20 characters in length |
Password complexity |
Password should contain a combination of:
- at least 1 letter;
- at least 1 numeric digit (0-9); and
- at least 1 special character.
The acceptable special characters are:
! |
" |
# |
$ |
& |
( |
) |
* |
+ |
, |
- |
. |
/ |
: |
; |
< |
= |
> |
? |
@ |
[ |
] |
^ |
_ |
` |
{ |
| |
} |
~ |
Password expiry |