Market Turnover


Market Making/Liquidity Providing Obligations and Incentives


HKEX’s derivatives market has both Market Maker (MM) Program and / or Liquidity Provider (LP) Program for different derivatives products.  The MM obligations and MM incentives under the MM Program for futures contracts and index options contracts are set out in the HKFE Rules.  The MM obligations and MM incentives under the MM Program for stock options contracts are set out in the Options Trading Rules of the Stock Exchange.  LP Program is a commercial arrangement for the Exchange to appoint LPs to provide liquidity for new products, which require more flexibility in terms of LP obligations and LP incentives and are not stipulated in the exchange rules and procedures. 

The derivatives products with MM Program and / or LP Program are as follows:

Product Type Contract MM Program LP Program
Futures Contracts

Stock Index Futures

HSI Volatility Index Futures
HSI Dividend Point Index Futures
HSCEI Dividend Point Index Futures
Hang Seng Mainland Oil & Gas Index Futures 
Hang Seng Mainland Banks Index Futures
Hang Seng Mainland Properties Index Futures
Hang Seng Index (Gross Total Return) Index Futures
Hang Seng Index (Net Total Return) Index Futures
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (Gross Total Return Index) Futures
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (Net Total Return Index) Futures
Hang Seng HSTECH Options

MSCI Asia ex Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Asia ex Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Taiwan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Taiwan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI India Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI India Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Indonesia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Indonesia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Thailand Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Thailand Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Malaysia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI EM Asia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI EM Asia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Hong Kong Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Philippines Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Emerging Market Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Emerging Markets (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Emerging Markets (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Taiwan 25/50 (USD) Index Futures
MSCI Taiwan 25/50 (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Singapore Free (SGD) Index Futures
MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI Taiwan 25/50 (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI China (USD) Index Futures
MSCI China Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
MSCI China Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread 
MSCI China A 50 Connect (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread
MSCI China A 50 Connect (USD) Index Futures
MSCI India (USD) Index Futures
MSCI India (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread

Stock Futures Single Stock Futures  N/A
Currency Futures USD/CNH Futures
EUR/CNH Futures
JPY/CNH Futures
AUD/CNH Futures
CNH/USD Futures

USD/CNH Futures
EUR/CNH Futures
JPY/CNH Futures
AUD/CNH Futures
CNH/USD Futures
INR/USD Futures
INR/CNH Futures

Interest Rate Futures 1-month HIBOR Futures
3-month HIBOR Futures
Option Contracts

Stock Index Options Hang Seng Index (HSI) Options
Hang Seng Index Futures Options
Weekly Hang Seng Index (WHSI) Options
Mini-Hang Seng Index (Mini-HSI) Options
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI) Options
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures Options
Weekly Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (WHSCEI) Options
Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (Mini-HSCEI) Options
Hang Seng TECH Index (HTI) Options
Hang Seng TECH Index Futures Options
Stock Options Single Stock Options N/A
Currency Options N/A USD/CNH Options


Quota for Liquidity Providers on HKFE products




Total Quota

Remaining Quota


Basket of MSCI Index Futures:

T Session: 15 MSCI Index Futures
T+1 Session: 7 MSCI Index Futures
Calendar Spread: 10 MSCI Index Futures


T , T+1 & Calendar Spread





MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Futures









MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Futures - Calendar Spread






Product Type MM LP
HKFE Futures Contracts and Option Contracts
  •    HKFE Exchange Participant (EP), or
  •    Corporate entity as client of EP must  has an association to the EP and also must  meet at least one of the requirements:
    i) be a regulated entity by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) to deal in securities or futures contracts, except as an introducing agent ; or licensed for similar activity by an overseas authority having a Memorandum of Understanding with SFC;
    Ii)   be a licensed bank;
    Iii)  have a credit rating of A- or above (S&P) or A3 or above (Moody’s); or
    iv)  have a minimum paid-up capital of HK$50 mil. and minimum shareholder funds of HK$100 mil.
HKFE Exchange Participant or the client of the Exchange Participant
SEHK Stock Options Option Trading Exchange Participant
(Affiliates of Option Trading Exchange Participant can be stock options Market Maker via the Option Trading Exchange Participant as its agent)

For the List of Market Makers/ Liquidity Provider

Please refer the hyperlink below:

LP and market making obligations and incentives

The following tables summarise the market making obligations and incentives in futures and options contracts:

Stock Index Futures (Except Sector Index Futures, Dividend Point Index Futures, Volatility Index Futures and HSI and HSCEI Total Return Index Futures, please refer the tables below for the requirements)

Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract
Not less than 2 contract months
[i.e. Spot month and the next calendar month] 
All contract months
Trading Requirement Provision of CQ for not less than
70% of the trading hours in each calendar month
Response to not less than 70%
of the QR in each calendar month
Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR
N/A Response to a QR within 20 seconds of the QR
Minimum Display Time Not fewer than 10 seconds, unless a change in the level of the underlying index occurs during the 10 seconds display period, in which case, market makers may change their quotes
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread Not greater than 15 minimum fluctuations

Minimum Quote Size
  Not fewer than 5 contracts

Sector Index Futures 

Market Maker Obligations

Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract Not less than 2 contract months
[i.e. Spot month and the next calendar month] 
All contract months
Trading Requirement Provision of CQ for not less than
70% of the trading hours in each calendar month
Response to not less than 70%
of the QR in each calendar month
Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR
N/A Response to a QR within 20 seconds of the QR
Minimum Display Time Not fewer than 10 seconds, unless a change in the level of the underlying index occurs during the 10 seconds display period, in which case, market makers may change their quotes
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread   
Hang Seng Mainland Oil & Gas Index Futures 4 Index points or 0.2% of bid price, whichever is higher
Hang Seng Mainland Banks Index Futures 6 Index points or 0.2% of bid price, whichever is higher
Hang Seng Mainland Properties Index Futures 7 Index points or 0.2% of bid price, whichever is higher
Minimum Quote Size
  Not fewer than 5 contracts

Dividend Index Point Futures  

Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract All five yearly contracts  
Trading Requirement Provision of CQ for not less than 70% of the trading hours in each calendar month Response to not less than 70% of the QR in each calendar month
Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR N/A Response to a QR within 20 seconds of the QR
Minimum Display Time Not fewer than 10 seconds, unless a change in the level of the underlying index occurs during the 10 seconds display period, in which case, market makers may change their quotes
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread 30.00 points or 10% of bid price, whichever is higher
Minimum Quote Size 50 contracts

HSI Volatility Index Futures

Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract All contract months
(Spot month and the next two calendar months)
Trading Requirement Provision of CQ for not less than
70% of the trading hours in each calendar month
Response to not less than 70%
of the QR in each calendar month
Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR
N/A Response to a QR within 20 seconds of the QR
Minimum Display Time Not fewer than 10 seconds, unless a change in the level of the underlying index occurs during the 10 seconds display period, in which case, market makers may change their quotes
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread
0.50 points or 5% of bid price,  whichever is higher 
Minimum Quote Size
Not fewer than 5 contracts

Hang Seng Index and Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Total Return Index Futures

Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract Not less than 2 contract months
[i.e. Spot month and the next calendar month]
All contract months
Trading Requirement Provision of CQ for not less than
70% of the trading hours in each calendar month
Response to not less than 70%
of the QR in each calendar month
Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR
N/A Response to a QR within 20 seconds of the QR
Minimum Display Time Not fewer than 10 seconds, unless a change in the level of the underlying index occurs during the 10 seconds display period, in which case, market makers may change their quotes
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread
Hang Seng Index (Gross Total Return Index) Futures Contracts 600.00 Index points or 1% of bid price, whichever is higher
Hang Seng Index (Net Total Return Index) Futures Contracts 600.00 Index points or 1% of bid price, whichever is higher
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (Gross Total Return Index) Futures Contracts 200.00 Index points or 1% of bid price, whichever is higher
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (Net Total Return Index) Futures Contracts 200.00 Index points or 1% of bid price, whichever is higher 
Minimum Quote Size
1 contract

Stock Index Options (Excluding Weekly Index Options)

There are three types of market makers in HKEX’s stock index options market:
- Primary Market Maker (PMM);
- Market maker providing continuous quotes (CQMM); and
- Market maker responding to quote request (QRMM). 

For details of PMM Program, please refer to the hyperlink below:

Below is a summary of the CQMM and QRMM program (T Session):
Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Series Not less than 50 option series* (except that, not less than 25 option series for Mini-Hang Seng Index Options and Mini-HSCEI Index Options**) All QR issued (except for QR in long dated index options)
Trading Requirement Provision of CQ not less than 70%
of the trading hours in each calendar month
Response to not less than 70%
of the QR in each calendar month
Maximum Time Limit for
Responding to QR
N/A Response to a QR within 20
seconds of the QR
Minimum Display Time Not less than 20 seconds, unless a change in the price level of the Spot Month Futures Contracts of the underlying index occurs during the 20 seconds display period, in which case, market makers may change their quotes
Maximum bid/offer spread
(Except for Long Dated Index Options)
For HSI Options, HSCEI Options and HS TECH Index Options: 
Month Price Max. bid/offer spread
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th calendar  1-750 points Max (30 points, 10% of bid)
> 750 points 75 points
1st , 2nd quarter  1-750 points Max (40 points, 20% of bid)
> 750 points 150 points
3rd quarter  1-750 points Max (50 points, 25% of bid)
> 750 points 200 points
For Mini-HSI Options and Mini-HSCEI Options: 
Month Price Max. bid/offer spread
1st, 2nd calendar  1-750 points Max (30 points, 10% of bid)
> 750 points 75 points
1st quarter  1-750 points Max (40 points, 20% of bid)
> 750 points 150 points
2nd quarter  1-750 points Max (40 points, 20% of bid)
> 750 points 150 points
Minimum Quote Size
For HSI Options, HSCEI Options and HSTECH index Options              
Month Min. Quote Size
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th calendar 5 contracts
1st , 2nd, 3rd quarter 3 contracts
For Mini-HSI Options and Mini-HSCEI Options 
Month Min. Quote Size
1st , 2nd calendar 5 contracts
1st , 2nd quarter 3 contracts

* For HSI Options, HSCEI Options and HS TECH Index Options, CQMM should provide bid/offer quotes in at least 50 option series chosen from the following selection pool:  

Contract Month Option Series Series For Selection
Call Put
Spot month  Out-of-the-Money 15 15
 In-the-Money 2 2
2nd Calendar Month  Out-of-the-Money 15 15
 In-the-Money 2 2
3rd Calendar Month  Out-of-the-Money 15 15
 In-the-Money 2 2
4th Calendar Month  Out-of-the-Money 10 10
 In-the-Money 2 2
1st Quarter Month  Out-of-the-Money 10 10
 In-the-Money 2 2
2nd Quarter Month  Out-of-the-Money 10 10
 In-the-Money 2 2
3rd Quarter Month  Out-of-the-Money 10 10
 In-the-Money 2 2
Total 198

** For Mini-HSI Options and Mini-HSCEI Options, CQMM should provide bid / offer quotes in at least 25 option series chosen from the following selection pool:

Contract Month Option Series Series For Selection
Call Put
Spot month  Out-of-the-Money 15 15
 In-the-Money 2 2
2nd Calendar Month  Out-of-the-Money 15 15
 In-the-Money 2 2
1st Quarter Month  Out-of-the-Money 10 10
 In-the-Money 2 2
2nd Quarter Month  Out-of-the-Money 10 10
 In-the-Money 2 2
Total 116

Below is a summary of the CQMM and QRMM program (T +1 Session):

Market Making

Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)

Response to
Quote Requests (QR)

Assigned Series

Not less than 50 option series* (except that, not less than 25 option series for Mini-Hang Seng Index Options **)

All QR issued (except for QR in long dated index options)

Trading Requirement

Provision of CQ not less than 35%
of the trading hours in each calendar month

Response to not less than 35%
of the QR in each calendar month

Maximum Time Limit for
Responding to QR


Response to a QR within 20
seconds of the QR

Minimum Display Time

Not less than 20 seconds, unless a change in the price level of the Spot Month Futures Contracts of the underlying index occurs during the 20 seconds display period, in which case, market makers may change their quotes

Maximum bid/offer spread
(Except for Long Dated Index Options)

For HSI Options, HSCEI Options and HSTECH Options:



Max. bid/offer spread

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th calendar

1-750 points

Max (40 points, 20% of bid)

> 750 points

150 points

1st ,2nd quarter

1-750 points

Max (60 points, 30% of bid)

> 750 points

225 points

3rd quarter

1-750 points

Max (80 points, 40% of bid)

> 750 points

300 points

For Mini-HSI Options:



Max. bid/offer spread

1st, 2nd calendar

1-750 points

Max (40 points, 20% of bid)

> 750 points

150 points

1st quarter

1-750 points

Max (60 points, 30% of bid)

> 750 points

225 points

2nd quarter

1-750 points

Max (60 points, 30% of bid)

> 750 points

225 points

Minimum Quote Size

For HSI Options, HSCEI Options and HSTECH Options


Min. Quote Size

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th calendar

3 contracts

1st ,2nd, 3rd quarter

2 contracts

For Mini-HSI Options


Min. Quote Size

1st, 2nd calendar

3 contracts

1st ,2ndquarter

2 contracts

* For HSI Options, HSCEI Options and HSTECH Options , CQMM in the T+1 Session should provide bid/offer quotes in at least 50 option series chosen from the following selection pool:  

Contract Month

Option Series

Series For Selection



Spot month







2ndCalendar Month







3rdCalendar Month







4th Calendar Month







1st Quarter Month







2nd Quarter Month







3rd Quarter Month









** For Mini-HSI Options, CQMM in the T+1 Session should provide bid / offer quotes in at least 25 option series chosen from the following selection pool:

Contract Month

Option Series

Series For Selection



Spot month







2nd Calendar Month







1st Quarter Month







2nd Quarter Month









Weekly Stock Index Options

MM for T Session

MM for T+1 Session

For MM that provides continuous quote (CQ):

Min. % of trading hours coverage

70% of T Session

70% of T+1 Session

Min. Quote series

(selected from the pool*)

30 series in total for spot week and next week contracts (or 15 series if only one contract is available.**)

30 series in total for spot week and next week contracts (or 15 series if only one contract is available.**)

Min. Quote Size

5 contracts

5 contracts

Max. bid/offer spread


1-750 points

>750 points

Max. bid/offer spread

Max (30 points, 10% of bid)

75 points

Max. bid/offer spread

Max (40 points, 20% of bid)

150 points

For MM that responds to quote request (QR):

Min. % of QR responses

70% of QR issued in T Session

70% of QR issued in T+1 Session

Max. Time to respond to QR and Min. Display time

20 sec

20 sec

Min. Quote Size

5 contracts

5 contracts

Max. bid/offer spread


1-750 points

>750 points

Max. bid/offer spread

Max (30 points, 10% of bid)

75 points

Max. bid/offer spread

Max (40 points, 20% of bid)

150 points

*CQMM can select options series from the following CQ series selection pool:

Contract Month




Spot Week

Nearest OTM



Nearest ITM



Next Week

Nearest OTM



Nearest ITM





Market Maker (MM) Incentives for Stock Index Futures and Options

Product Market Maker
Fee (HK$)
Market Maker in Other Stock Index
Products with same underlying Index
Fee (HK$)*
Fee (HK$)
Hang Seng Index Futures (HSIF) n.a. 3.50 (MM in HSIO, MHIF or MHIO) 10.00
Hang Seng Index Options (HSIO) 2.00** 3.50* (MM in MHIF or MHIO) 10.00
Weekly Hang Seng Index Options (WHSI) 2.00** 3.50* (MM in HSIO, MHIF or MHIO)  10.00
Mini Hang Seng Index Futures (MHIF) n.a. 1.00 (MM in HSIO, WHSIO or MHIO) 3.50
Mini Hang Seng Index Options (MHIO) 0.40** 0.70* (MM in HSIO, WHSIO or MHIF) 2.00
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures (HHIF) n.a. 1.00 (MM in HHIO or MCHO) 3.50
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Options (HHIO) 0.50** 1.00* (MM in HHIF or MCHO) 3.50
Hang Seng TECH Index Futures (HTIF)  n.a.  1.75* (MM in HTIO and HTI OOF)  5.0
Hang Seng TECH Index Options (HTIO) 1.0  1.75*(MM in HTI OOF)  5.0 
Weekly Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Options (WHHIO)  0.50**  1.00* (MM in HHIO or MCHO)  3.50
Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures (MCHF) n.a. 0.70 (MM in HHIO, WHHIO or MCHO) 2.00
Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Options (MCHO) 0.20 0.35 (MM in HHIO) 1.00
HSI Dividend Futures 0.60 n.a. 3.00
HSCEI Dividend Futures 0.30 n.a. 1.50
Hang Seng (Gross Total Return) Index Futures  6.00 n.a. 30.0
Hang Seng (Net Total Return) Index Futures 6.00 n.a. 30.0
Hang Seng China Enterprises (Gross Total Return) Index Futures  2.00 n.a.  10.0
Hang Seng China Enterprises (Net Total Return) Index Futures 2.00  n.a. 10.0
HSI Volatility Index Futures 2.00 n.a. 10.00
Sector Index Futures 0.40 n.a. 2.00

* The number of contracts that are eligible for a reduced Exchange Fee may be limited as specified in the Trading Procedures relating to Stock Index Futures and Stock Index Options contained in the HKFE Rules
If the MM performance in T+1 Session is better than the MM Obligation in
T+1 Session, trading fees for the products which the MM make market in the T+1 Session may be waived.  Please refer to the circular (ref: MO/DT/026/18) for details.

Additional Waiver of Monthly Sub-licence fee for OAPI (CQMM of Weekly Stock Index Options)

No. of OAPI

MM for T Session

MM for T+1 Session

Weekly HSI Options

1 OAPI (HK$2,600 per month)

4 OAPIs (HK$10,400 per month)

Weekly HSCEI Options

1 OAPI (HK$2,600 per month)

4 OAPIs (HK$10,400 per month)

Liquidity Providers Obligations and Incentives of Hang Seng TECH Index Futures


Assigned Contract Months

Minimum % Trading Hours

(T session)

Maximum Bid/Offer Spread

Minimum Quote Quantity

Monthly HSTECH futures volume


 Spot Month


0.07% of bid price


 B  Spot Month 70%  0.10% of bid price   2 N/A 
 C  Spot Month  50% - 70% 0.10% of bid price    2  1,000
 D  Spot Month less than 50%  0.10% of bid price    2 N/A 


- Trading fee discount and OAPI sub- license fee wavier

Liquidity Providers Obligations and Incentives of Hang Seng TECH Index Options

Contracts Trading Requirement Assigned Series Maximum bid / offer spread (ticks)  Minimum Quote Size (contracts) Minimum % of Trading hours 
Hang Seng TECH Index Options CQ Not less than 50 option series  (choose from Table 1) Refer to Table 2 65% 

Table 1 (Options series selection pool)

Contract Month

Option Series

Series for selection



Spot Calendar Month








Next Calendar Month








First Quarter Month








Second Quarter Month










Table 2 (maximum options bid/offer spread)

Contract Month

Option Premium

Maximum Bid/Offer Spread

Spot Calendar Month and Next Calendar Month

1-750 points

30 points or 10% of bid price, whichever is higher

More than 750 points

75 points

First Quarter Month and Second Quarter Month

1-750 points

40 points or 20% of bid price, whichever is higher

More than 750 points

150 points

- Trading fee discount and OAPI sub- license fee wavier

Liquidity Providers Obligations and Incentives of MSCI Asia and Emerging Markets Index Futures

Tier 1 (T session)


Assigned Contract Months

Minimum % Trading Hours

(T session)

Maximum Bid/Offer Spread

Minimum Quote Quantity

 Calendar Spread
Contract Month
 Max. Bid /Offer 
(index point)
 Min. Quote Quantity
MSCI Asia ex Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures  Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month  70%  0.15% of bid price 15   Nearest First Quarter Month/ 
2nd Quarter Month
 1.5 20 

MSCI Taiwan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.38% of bid price


 Nearest First Quarter Month/ 
2nd Quarter Month
 1.5 50 

MSCI Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.20% of bid price


 Nearest First Quarter Month/ 
2nd Quarter Month
 10  50

MSCI India Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.50% of bid price


 Nearest First Quarter Month/ 
2nd Quarter Month
 3 10 

MSCI China Free Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.20% of bid price



MSCI Indonesia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.60% of bid price


 Nearest First Quarter Month/ 
2nd Quarter Month
 4 50 

MSCI Thailand Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.45% of bid price


 Nearest First Quarter Month/ 
2nd Quarter Month
 4 40 

MSCI Malaysia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.45% of bid price



MSCI EM Asia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.18% of bid price


Nearest First Quarter Month/ 
2nd Quarter Month
 1.2 40 

MSCI Hong Kong Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.38% of bid price



MSCI Philippines Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.75% of bid price



MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.15% of bid price


Nearest First Quarter Month/ 
2nd Quarter Month
 1 50 

MSCI Emerging Markets (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.15% of bid price


Nearest First Quarter Month/ 
2nd Quarter Month
 1.5 20 
MSCI Taiwan 25/50 (USD) Index Futures  Spot Month  70%  0.35% of bid price 5 Spot Month/ 
2nd Calendar Month 
Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month  70%  0.35% of bid price     5

MSCI Singapore Free (SGD) Index Futures

Spot Month


0.35% of bid price



Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month

0.35% of bid price



MSCI China (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.20% of bid price



MSCI China Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.20% of bid price


 Spot Month/ 
2nd Calendar Month
1 20 
MSCI China (USD) Index Futures  Spot Month  70%  0.118% of bid      
 Next Calendar Month  70%  0.139% of bid 2      

Tier 1 (T+1 Session)


Assigned Contract Months

Minimum % Trading Hours (T+1 session)

Maximum Bid/Offer Spread

Minimum Quote Quantity

MSCI Asia ex Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month 50%   0.15% of bid price 15 
MSCI China Free Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month  50% 0.25% f bid price  10

MSCI Taiwan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.38% of bid price


MSCI Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.15% of bid price


MSCI India Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.25% of bid price


MSCI Indonesia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.60% of bid price


MSCI EM Asia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.18% of bid price


MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures

Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month


0.15% of bid price


MSCI Taiwan 25/50 (USD) Index Futures   Spot Month  50%  0.35% of bid price  5
 Nearest First Calendar Quarter Mont  50%  0.35% of bid price

MSCI Singapore Free (SGD) Index Futures

Spot Month


0.35% of bid price


Nearest First Calendar Quarter Month

0.35% of bid price

 MSCI China Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures  Nearest First Quarter Month 50%  0.128% of bid price   2

Tier 2


Assigned Contract Months

Minimum % Trading Hours

(T Session)

Maximum Bid/Offer Spread

Minimum Quote Quantity

MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Futures (T session)



0.045 - 0.09% of bid price


MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Futures (T +1 session) Spot/Next Calendar Month 50%  0.050% of bid price 2
MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Futures Calendar Spread Spot/Next Calendar Month 70%  2 ticks 20

Incentives for MSCI Asia and Emerging Market Index Futures (Tier 1 )

- Discounted trading fee of USD 0.3 for USD contracts 
- Cash Incentive: Outright: HK$25,000 per contract per trading session per month
- Cash Incentive: Calendar Spread: HK$12,500 per contract per trading session

For the details of the incentive payment, please refer our circular

Incentives for MSCI Asia and Emerging Market Index Futures (Tier 2)

- Discounted trading fee of USD 0.3 for USD contracts 
- Cash Incentive T Session: HK$150,000  to HK$ 50,000 per contract per trading session per month 
- Cash Incentive: T+1 Session: HK$75,000 per contract per trading session per month
- Cash Incentive: T Session Calendar Spread; HK$50,000 per contract per trading session per month. For the details of the incentive payment, please refer our circular

Block Trade Participant (BTP) Program

 - The minimum block trade execution volume requirement is 20,000 contracts per quarter in total for the MSCI Asia and Emerging Market Index Futures.
 Performance measurement:
- BTP will be ranked based on the total number of valid block trade contracts executed in the MSCI Asia and Emerging Market Index Futures.
   Only the top three BTPs in any given quarter will receive incentives.


1) The first BTP is entitled HK$1,200,000; the second BTP is entitled HK$450,000 and the third BTP is HK$150,000

Stock Futures

Market Maker Scheme

Market Making Obligation

Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract At least the first 2 contract months
[i.e. Spot Month and the next calendar month]
All contract months
Trading Requirement Provision of CQ for not less than 70% of the trading hours in each calendar month Response to not less than 70% of the QR in each calendar month
Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR
N/A Response to a QR within 10 seconds
Minimum Display Time Not less than 20 seconds, unless a change in the nominal price of the underlying stock occurs during that period, in which case, the MM may change its Quote provided
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread
4 times the best bid / offer spread of the underlying stock or HK$0.15, whichever is greater
Minimum Quote Size
A minimum of 10 contracts


Market Maker Incentives for Stock Futures

Product Market Maker Fee
Standard Exchange Fee
Stock Futures   Tier 1: HK$0.5; Tier 2: HK$0.15; Tier 3: HK$0.07
 Tier 1: HK$3.0; Tier 2: HK$1.0; Tier 3: HK$0.5


Stock Options

There are three types of market makers in HKEX’s stock options market: 

- Primary Market Maker (PMM);

- Market maker providing continuous quotes (CQMM); and

- Market maker responding to quote request (QRMM). 

For details of PMM Program, please refer to the hyperlink below:

 Below is a summary of the CQMM and QRMM program:

Market Making

Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)

Response to
Quote Requests (QR)


Assigned Series #

Not less than50 option series in an option class


(For Weekly Stock Options) Not less than 30 series in total for spot week and next week contracts (or not less than 15 series if only one contract is available^ )

QR issued in options series in an option class


Trading Requirement

Provision of CQ for the assigned option series in an option class for 50% or more of the trading hours in a month

Response to 50% or more QR in an option class in a month


Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR


Response within 20 seconds on receipt ofa QR


Minimum Display Time (QR)


At least 20 seconds, unless a change in the underlying stock price occurs during the 20 seconds display period


Maximum Bid/Offer Spread

Option Series

Liquidity Level 1*

Liquidity Level 2*

Liquidity Level 3*

Spot month with 3 days or less to expiry

20% of the bid price of the quote or 3 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

20% of the bid price of the quote or 4 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

30% of the bid price of the quote or 7 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

Spot month with 4 days or more to expiry and the next 3calendar expiry months

10% of the bid price of the quote or 3 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

10% of the bid price of the quote or 4 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

20% of the bid price of the quote or 7 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

The next 2 calendar quarter expiry months

20% of the bid price of the quote or 4 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

20% of the bid price of the quote or 6 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

30% of the bid price of the quote or 10 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

The 3rd calendar quarter expiry month and any other longer-dated expiry month as the Exchange deems necessary

20% of the bid price of the quote or 8 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

20% of the bid price of the quote or 12 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

30% of the bid price of the quote or 20 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

Maximum Bid/Offer Spread
(For ETF Options)

 Spot month with 3 days or less to expiry 20% of the bid price of the quote or 7.5 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.  20% of the bid price of the quote or 10 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.  30% of the bid price of the quote or 17.5 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.
Spot month with 4 days or more to expiry and the next 3calendar expiry months 10% of the bid price of the quote or 7.5 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower. 10% of the bid price of the quote or 10 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.  20% of the bid price of the quote or 17.5 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.
 The next 2 calendar quarter expiry months  20% of the bid price of the quote or 10 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.  20% of the bid price of the quote or 15 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower. 30% of the bid price of the quote or 25 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.
The 3rd calendar quarter expiry month and any other longer-dated expiry month as the Exchange deems necessary  20% of the bid price of the quote or 20 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower. 20% of the bid price of the quote or 30 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower. 30% of the bid price of the quote or 50 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

Maximum Bid/Offer Spread
(For Weekly Stock Options)

 Spot week with 3 Business Days or less to expiry 20% of the bid price of the quote or 3 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower. 20% of the bid price of the quote or 4 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.  30% of the bid price of the quote or 7 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.
 Spot week with 4 Business Days or more to expiry and the next week 10% of the bid price of the quote or 3 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower. 10% of the bid price of the quote or 4 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower. 20% of the bid price of the quote or 7 times the best bid/offer spread of the underlying securities, whichever is the lower.

Minimum Quote Size

Liquidity Level 1 - 30 contracts
Liquidity Level 2 and 3 - 15 contracts

^No expiry week contracts will be listed if the weekly contracts would expire on the same day as the expiry day for spot month contracts 

  *   Liquidity Level Classification
“Notwithstanding the above,
a) For an option class the underlying security is not an ETF, a Market Maker that provides quotes in option classes with a minimum price fluctuation of HK$0.01 or RMB0.01 will not be obliged to quote a spread narrower than the best bid/offer of the underlying security (at the time of issuing the quote) plus 5 minimum price fluctuations (if the numerical value of the nominal price of such underlying security is below 100) or plus 10 minimum price fluctuations (if the numerical value of the nominal price of the underlying security is equal to or above 100);
b) For an option class the underlying security is an ETF, a Market Maker that provides quotes in option classes with a minimum price fluctuation of HK$0.01 or RMB0.01 will not be obliged to quote a spread narrower than the best bid/offer of the underlying security (at the time of issuing the quote) plus 7 minimum price fluctuations (if the numerical value of the nominal price of such underlying security is below 100) or plus 15 minimum price fluctuations (if the numerical value of the nominal price of the underlying security is equal to or above 100);
c) a Market Maker that provides quotes in option classes with a minimum price fluctuation of HK$0.001 or RMB0.001 will not be obliged to quote a spread narrower than HK$0.03 or RMB0.03

Liquidity levels of option classes are determined by the Exchange from time to time based on the trading liquidity in the underlying stocks  


Stock Option Class HKATS Code From 31 December 2024       
to 27 January 2025 
From 28 January 2025       
to 27 February 2025
  Liquidity Level Minimum Quote Size Liquidity Level Minimum Quote Size
iShares FTSE China A50 ETF A50 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
AAC Technologies Holdings Inc. AAC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Anhui Conch Cement Company Limited ACC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
AIA Group Limited AIA 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Air China Limited AIR 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Alibaba Group Holding Limited ALB 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Aluminum Corporation of China Limited ALC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Alibaba Health Information Technology Limited ALH 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
ChinaAMC CSI 300 Index ETF AMC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
ANTA Sports Products Limited ANA 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. BCM 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
The Bank of East Asia, Limited BEA 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Baidu, Inc. BIU 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Bilibili Inc. BLI 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited BOC 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Limited BUD 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
BYD Company Limited BYD 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
BYD Electronic (International) Company Limited BYE 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
China Communications Construction Company Limited CCC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
China Coal Energy Company Limited CCE 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd. CDA 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
CGN Power Co., Ltd. CGN 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
China Mobile Limited CHT 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited CHU 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
CITIC Limited CIT 1 30 lots 2 15 lots
CK Hutchison Holdings Limited CKH 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
CK Asset Holdings Limited CKP 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
China Life Insurance Company Limited CLI 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
CLP Holdings Limited CLP 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. CMB 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
CNOOC Limited CNC 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Country Garden Holdings Company Limited COG 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
China Overseas Land & Investment Limited COL 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co., Ltd. COS 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited CPA 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation CPC 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. CPI 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
China Railway Construction Corporation Limited CRC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
China Railway Group Limited CRG 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
China Resources Land Limited CRL 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
CSOP FTSE China A50 ETF CSA 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
China Shenhua Energy Company Limited CSE 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Limited CSP 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited CTB 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
China Telecom Corporation Limited CTC 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
CITIC Securities Company Limited CTS 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Dongfeng Motor Group Company Limited DFM 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
China Evergrande Group EVG 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. GAC 3 15 lots 2 15 lots
Geely Automobile Holdings Limited GAH 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited GHL 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Ganfeng Lithium Group Co., Ltd. GLI 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited GLX 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Great Wall Motor Company Limited GWM 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. HAI 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index ETF HCF 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Haidilao International Holding Ltd. HDO 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Power Assets Holdings Limited HEH 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited HEX 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Hengan International Group Company Limited HGN 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
HSBC Holdings plc HKB 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited HKG 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Henderson Land Development Company Limited HLD 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Huaneng Power International, Inc. HNP 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Hang Seng Bank Limited HSB 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Innovent Biologics, Inc. INB 2 15 lots 2 15 lots, Inc. JDC 3 15 lots 2 15 lots
JD Health International Inc. JDH 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Jiangxi Copper Company Limited JXC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Kingdee International Software Group Company Limited KDS 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Kunlun Energy Company Limited KLE 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Kingsoft Corporation Limited KSO 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Kuaishou Technology KST 3 15 lots 1 30 lots
Li Auto Inc. LAU 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Lenovo Group Limited LEN 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Li Ning Company Limited LNI 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Link Real Estate Investment Trust LNK 2 15 lots 1 30 lots
China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited MEN 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Meituan MET 3 15 lots 2 15 lots
MGM China Holdings Limited MGM 2 15 lots 1 30 lots
Xiaomi Corporation MIU 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
CMOC Group Limited MOL 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd. MSB 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
MTR Corporation Limited MTR 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
China National Building Material Company Limited NBM 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
New China Life Insurance Company Ltd. NCL 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Nongfu Spring Co., Ltd. NFU 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
NetEase, Inc. NTE 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
New World Development Company Limited NWD 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. PAI 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
PetroChina Company Limited PEC 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
XPeng Inc. PEN 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company Limited PHT 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited PIC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
The People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited PIN 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Sands China Ltd. SAN 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited SBO 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
SenseTime Group Inc. SET 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited SHK 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Xinyi Solar Holdings Limited SHL 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Shenzhou International Group Holdings Limited SHZ 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation SMC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited SNO 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd. SNP 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Sunac China Holdings Limited SUN 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Swire Pacific Limited 'A' SWA 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Tencent Holdings Limited TCH 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Techtronic Industries Company Limited TIC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Tracker Fund of Hong Kong TRF 1 30 lots 1 30 lots Group Limited TRP 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
China Vanke Co., Ltd. VNK 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Weibo Corporation WEB 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
WH Group Limited WHG 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
The Wharf (Holdings) Limited WHL 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Want Want China Holdings Limited WWC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
WuXi Biologics (Cayman) Inc. WXB 3 15 lots 3 15 lots
Agricultural Bank of China Limited XAB 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Bank of China Limited XBC 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
China Construction Bank Corporation XCC 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited XIC 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd. XPB 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
China Tower Corporation Limited XTW 1 30 lots 1 30 lots
Yankuang Energy Group Company Limited YZC 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
ZhongAn Online P & C Insurance Co., Ltd. ZAO 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. ZJM 2 15 lots 2 15 lots
Zhongsheng Group Holdings Limited ZSH 2 15 lots 2 15 lots

Changes in liquidity level are in bold


#   Stock Options

CQMM should provide bid / offer quotes in at least 50 option series chosen from the following option series:    

Contract Month Option Series Series For Selection
Call Series
Put Series
Spot month Nearest Out-of-the-Money 7 7
Nearest In-the-Money 2 2
Second Calendar month Nearest Out-of-the-Money 7 7
Nearest In-the-Money 2 2
Third Calendar month Nearest Out-the-Money 7 7
Nearest In-of-the-Money 2 2
Fourth Calendar month Nearest Out-the-Money 7 7
Nearest In-of-the-Money 2 2
First Quarter month Nearest Out-the-Money 7 7
Nearest In-of-the-Money 2 2
Second Quarter month Nearest Out-the-Money 7 7
Nearest In-of-the-Money 2 2
Third Quarter month Nearest Out-the-Money 7 7
Nearest In-of-the-Money 2 2
Total 126


#   Weekly Stock Options

CQMM should provide bid / offer quotes Not less than 30 series in total for spot week and next week contracts (or not less than 15 series if only one contract is available^ )

Contract Month Option Series Series For Selection
Call Series
Put Series
Spot week Nearest Out-of-the-Money 7 7
Nearest In-the-Money 2 2
Next week Nearest Out-of-the-Money 7 7
Nearest In-the-Money 2 2
 Total 36 

^No expiry week contracts will be listed if the weekly contracts would expire on the same day as the expiry day for spot month contracts 


Market Maker Incentives for Stock Options 

Trading Requirement Market
Fee (HK$)
Fee (HK$)
Tier 1 Response to Total
Quote Requests in a Month
70% or more 1.50 3.00
less than 70% 3.00 3.00
Provision of Continuous Quotes
in the Trading Hours in a Month
70% or more 1.50 3.00
less than 70% 3.00 3.00
Tier 2  Response to Total
Quote Requests in a Month
70% or more 0.80 1.00
less than 70% 1.00 1.00
Provision of Continuous Quotes
in the Trading Hours in a Month
70% or more 0.80 1.00
less than 70% 1.00 1.00
Tier 3^ Response to Total
Quote Requests in a Month
70% or more 0.40 0.50
less than 70% 0.50 0.50
Provision of Continuous Quotes
in the Trading Hours in a Month
70% or more 0.40 0.50
less than 70% 0.50 0.50


Currency Futures 

Market Maker Obligations for USD/CNH Futures

Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract 9  contract months
[i.e. Spot month, the next three calendar months and the next five calendar quarter months]
Trading Requirement

Provision of CQ for not less than 70% of the trading hours in each calendar month (Primary Market Maker)

Provision of CQ for not less than 40% of the trading hours in each calendar month (Secondary Market Maker)

Response to not less than 70% of the QR in each calendar month (Primary Market Maker)

Response to not less than 40% of the QR in each calendar month (Secondary Market Maker)

Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR
N/A Response to a QR within 10 seconds
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread

From 9:00am to end of the day trading session:

20 ticks for spot and next calendar months 
50 ticks for 3rd and 4th calendar months
80 ticks for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th calendar quarter months
100 ticks for 5th calendar quarter month

For the after-hours trading session:

20 ticks for spot and next calendar months 
60 ticks for 3rd and 4th calendar months
100 ticks for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th calendar quarter months

Minimum Quote Size
A minimum of 10 contracts


Market Maker Obligations for EUR/CNH, JPY/CNH and AUD/CNH Futures

Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract 4 contract months
[i.e. Spot month, the next calendar month and the next two calendar quarter months]
Trading Requirement

Provision of CQ for not less than 70% of the trading hours in each calendar month (Primary Market Maker)

Provision of CQ for not less than 40% of the trading hours in each calendar month (Secondary Market Maker)

Response to not less than 70% of the QR in each calendar month (Primary Market Maker)

Response to not less than 40% of the QR in each calendar month (Secondary Market Maker)

Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR
N/A Response to a QR within 10 seconds
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread

50 ticks for spot and next calendar months
100 ticks for other calendar months

Minimum Quote Size
A minimum of 10 contracts


Market Maker Obligations for CNH/USD Futures

Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract 9 contract months
[i.e. Spot month, the next two calendar months and the next five calendar quarter months]
Trading Requirement

Provision of CQ for not less than 70% of the trading hours in each calendar month (Primary Market Maker)

Provision of CQ for not less than 40% of the trading hours in each calendar month (Secondary Market Maker)

Response to not less than 70% of the QR in each calendar month (Primary Market Maker)

Response to not less than 40% of the QR in each calendar month (Secondary Market Maker)

Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR
N/A Response to a QR within 10 seconds
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread

5 ticks for spot and next calendar months
10 ticks for 3rd and 4th calendar months
15 ticks for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th calendar quarter months

Minimum Quote Size
A minimum of 10 contracts


Market Maker Incentives for USD/CNH, EUR/CNH, JPY/CNH, AUD/CNH and CNH/USD Futures

Product Market Maker Fee
Standard Exchange Fee

USD/CNH Futures Nil RMB 8.00
EUR/CNH Futures As specified in appointment letter RMB 5.00
JPY/CNH Futures As specified in appointment letter  RMB 5.00
AUD/CNH Futures As specified in appointment letter RMB 5.00
CNH/USD Futures As specified in appointment letter USD 0.60

For more details of the Cash Incentive Program for currency derivatives, please visit the hyperlink below, and refer to the Incentives section under Related Circulars: 


HIBOR Futures

Market Maker Obligations - One-Month HIBOR Futures (HB1)

Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract
Not less than first 3 contract months
Trading Requirement Provision of CQ for not less than 70% 
of the trading hours in each calendar month
Response to not less than 70%
of the QR in each calendar month
Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR
N/A Within 30 seconds on receipt of a QR
Minimum Display Time
Not less than 15 seconds
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread
Not greater 10 Minimum Fluctuations Not greater 7 Minimum Fluctuations
Minimum Quote Size
Not less than 5 contracts Not less than 10 contracts
Non-Market Making Hours A market maker shall not be required to meet the trading requirements during the following period:
1.  The first 5 minutes of each morning trading session; and
2.  11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on each Business Day.

Market Market Obligations - Three-Month HIBOR Futures (HB3)

Market Making
Provision of
Continuous Quotes (CQ)
Response to
Quote Requests (QR)
Assigned Contract
Spot contract month plus not less than the first 4 quarter contract months
Trading Requirement Provision of CQ for not less than 70%
of the trading hours in each calendar month
Response to not less than 70%
of the QR in each calendar month
Maximum Time Limit for Responding to QR N/A Response to a QR on an assigned
contract month within 30 seconds of the QR
Minimum Display Time
Not less than 15 seconds
Maximum Bid/Offer Spread Not greater than 10 minimum fluctuations
not greater than 7 minimum fluctuations
Minimum Quote Size
not less than 5 contracts not less than 10 contracts
Non-Market Making Hours A market maker shall not be required to meet the trading requirements during the following period:
1.  The first 5 minutes of each morning trading session; and
2. 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on each Business Day.

Market Maker Incentives for HIBOR Futures

Product Market Maker Fee
Standard Fee
One-Month HIBOR Futures
Three-Month HIBOR Futures
1.00 5.00

The appointments of LPs are subject to commercial agreements between the Exchange and LPs in terms of price quoting services and incentives.  The Chief Executive of HKFE may, at his sole discretion, waive parts of the obligations in view of adverse market conditions which may arise from time to time. 


Updated 25 Jun 2024