Market Turnover


Securities Settlement Statistics

Jul 23 - Jun 24

Daily Average of Stock Exchange Trades Processed in CCASS
(including CNS trades, isolated trades and cross trades)

MMM-YY Number of CCASS Trades % of Exchange Trades Value of Trades (HK$ Billion) Number of Shares (Billion)
Jul-23 1,774,626 100.00 102.75 204.40
Aug-23 1,887,788 100.00 102.27 210.56
Sep-23 1,671,202 100.00 89.98 180.93
Oct-23 1,550,909 100.00 78.55 173.12
Nov-23 1,774,716 100.00 95.05 195.41
Dec-23 1,835,546 100.00 98.18 221.36
Jan-24 1,877,726 100.00 95.95 222.24
Feb-24 1,800,509 100.00 89.60 164.43
Mar-24 2,102,264 100.00 110.72 171.23
Apr-24 2,075,554 100.00 111.78 171.39
May-24 2,410,578 100.00 139.46 193.51
Jun-24 1,991,758 100.00 110.75 204.08

Daily Average of Settlement Efficiency of CNS Stock Positions
S Day (%)
S+1 Day (%)
Jul-23 99.91 100.00
Aug-23 99.93 100.00
Sep-23 99.89 99.99
Oct-23 99.92 99.99
Nov-23 99.93 99.99
Dec-23 99.89 99.99
Jan-24 99.93 99.99
Feb-24 99.95 99.99
Mar-24 99.91 99.97
Apr-24 99.92 99.99
May-24 99.93 99.99
Jun-24 99.90 99.98

Daily Average of Settlement Instructions (SIs) Settled in CCASS
(both delivering and receiving SIs are counted)

MMM-YY Number of SIs SIs by Market Value (HK$ Billion) SIs by Shares (Billion)
Jul-23 91,723 203.90 36.07
Aug-23 96,031 215.53 38.86
Sep-23 97,490 242.32 40.49
Oct-23 86,707 177.35 33.74
Nov-23 86,975 180.36 34.45
Dec-23 99,428 235.92 38.97
Jan-24 88,685 181.20 36.13
Feb-24 93,806 169.27 34.73
Mar-24 101,732 231.32 39.74
Apr-24 98,792 230.50 40.67
May-24 105,437 279.32 42.96
Jun-24 99,882 306.18 42.81

Daily Average of Investor Settlement Instructions (ISIs) Settled in CCASS
(one sided ISIs are counted)

MMM-YY Number of ISIs ISIs by Market Value (HK$ Billion ) ISIs by Shares (Billion)
Jul-23 124 0.14 0.06
Aug-23 145 0.06 0.02
Sep-23 121 0.07 0.03
Oct-23 107 0.05 0.03
Nov-23 101 0.05 0.02
Dec-23 116 0.07 0.02
Jan-24 134 0.09 0.05
Feb-24 115 0.21 0.04
Mar-24 122 0.10 0.02
Apr-24 151 0.06 0.02
May-24 184 0.09 0.03
Jun-24 145 0.12 0.03

Updated 15 Jul 2024