HKEX ETF Summit 2024
HKEX Connect Hall
1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM ( 30 MIN )
2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:10 PM ( 10 MIN )
Opening Remarks
2:10 PM
2:10 PM - 2:25 PM ( 15 MIN )
Keynote Speech
2:25 PM
2:25 PM - 2:35 PM ( 10 MIN )
Presentation - China's Economic Pulse: Trends and Prospects
2:35 PM
2:35 PM - 3:10 PM ( 35 MIN )
Panel Discussion - Enhancing Portfolios with Hong Kong-listed ETFs: Insights from Practitioners
3:10 PM
3:10 PM - 3:45 PM ( 35 MIN )
Panel Discussion - Income Generation through ETFs
3:45 PM
3:45 PM - 4:05 PM ( 20 MIN )
Coffee Break
4:05 PM
4:05 PM - 4:40 PM ( 35 MIN )
Panel Discussion - Midnight Market Moves: ETP Tactics for US Election Night
4:40 PM
4:40 PM - 5:20 PM ( 40 MIN )
Panel Discussion - Investing in Tomorrow: Virtual Asset
5:20 PM
5:20 PM - 5:55 PM ( 35 MIN )
Panel Discussion - ETFs in Stock Connect: A New Chapter in Cross-Border Investments
5:55 PM
5:55 PM - 6:00 PM ( 5 MIN )
Closing Remarks
6:00 PM
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ( 2 HOUR )
Cocktail Networking
8:00 PM
8:00 PM
End of the Summit