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Options Trading Rules

Options Trading Rules

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Options Trading Rules of the Stock Exchange

  • Chapter 1 - Definitions and Interpretation
    101 Definition
    102-105 Interpretation
    106-107 Applicability of the Exchange Rules
    108 Amendment
    109A -109C Exclusion of Liability
    110 Governing Law
    111-113 Notice
    114-115 Transitional Provisions
  • Chapter 2 - Options Trading Exchange Participantship
    201-202 Participation
    203 Qualification
    204 Applications
    205 [Repealed]
    206-207 Approval or Refusal
    208 Registration
    209-209C Registers
    209D Publication of a list of Options Exchange Participants
    210 [Repealed]
    210A Access to HKATS
    211-214 [Repealed]
  • Chapter 3 - Options Exchange Participants' Obligations
    301 Compliance with the Options Trading Rules
    302-302C Continuing Obligations
    303-304 [Repealed]
    305 Transaction Levies and Investor Compensation Levy
    306-309 No Transfer of Options Exchange Participantship or System Access Rights
    310-315 Resignation as an Options Exchange Participant
    316 Incapacity
    317-317A Confidentiality by the Exchange
    318 Fees
  • Chapter 4 - Options Exchange Participants and Their Clients
    401 [Repealed]
    401A-402 Options Broking Agreement
    403 [Repealed]
    404 Disclosure of Client's Information
    405-408 [Repealed]
    409-409B Restrictions on Client Business
    410 [Repealed]
    411-412 Client Contracts
    413-414 [Repealed]
    415-417 Exercise of Client Contracts
    418-421 [Repealed]
    422 Disclosure
    423 [Repealed]
    424-426A Client Margin Requirements
    427 [Repealed]
    428 Premium
    429 Set Off
    430-431 Default by Clients
    432-433 [Repealed]
    433A Client's Money
    434 Confidentiality by Options Exchange Participants
    435-441A Position Limits
    442 Exercise Limits
  • Chapter 5 - The Options Trading System
    500 General Provisions
    500A [Repealed]
    501-505 Access to the Options Trading System
    506-506C Establishment of Prescribed Risk Controls in HKATS
    507 Adjustments to Contracts ("Capital Adjustments")
    508 [Repealed]
    509-512 Recording of Orders and Quotes
    513-517 Recording of Trades
    517A Matching and Ranking of Orders in HKATS
    518-522A Rules for Order Entry
    522B Amendment and Cancellation of Orders
    522C-522G Self-match Prevention
    523-523A Trade and Position Corrections
    524-528 Give-Ups
    529 Block Trades
    530-531 Contractual Relationships
    532-539A NCPs and GCPs
    540-542 Error Trades
    543 [Repealed]
    544 Disputes
    545 Limitation of Liability
    546-552 [Repealed]
  • Chapter 6 - Market Makers
    601-605 Applications for Market Maker Permits
    606-607 Form and Duration of Market Maker Permits
    608-612 Obligations of Regular Market Makers
    612A-612E Obligations of Primary Market Makers
    613-614 Rights of Market Makers
    614A-614B Identification of Jobbing Transactions
    614C-614D Recording of Hedging Activities
    615-619 Suspension, Revocation and Surrender
  • Chapter 7 - Default Procedures
    701-710 Default
    711 General
    712 Indemnity
    713-717 Suspension or Cancellation of Options Exchange Participantship
    718 Default Procedures Prevail
  • Chapter 8 - Disciplinary
    801-802 Situations Calling for Disciplinary Action
    803 Co-operation
    804 Notification
    805-806 Disciplinary Action and Procedures
  • Chapter 9 - Emergency Procedures
    901-903 Suspension of Options Trading
    904-904A Special Events
    905 Facsimile Instruction Entry


  • First Schedule

Item A1: [Repealed]
Item A2: [Repealed]
Item A3: Uniform Options Broking Agreement

Item B: [Repealed]
Item C: [Repealed]
Item D: Model Acknowledgement Letter from Options Clients in respect of SEOCH Margining on a Portfolio Basis

  • Second Schedule

Market Maker Obligations

  • Third Schedule

Regulations for Block Trades

  • Fourth Schedule


  • Fifth Schedule

Trading Hours

  • Sixth Schedule

Standard Contract


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For previous updates: please click here 

For Exchange Participant admission appeals procedures: please click here


Updated 22 Jul 2024