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Latest 2024 Q1 Results.
“HKEX demonstrated its strength and resilience in the first quarter of the year. Despite a fragile global backdrop, the Group’s derivatives and commodities business performed strongly – the former achieving record quarterly volumes. Whilst the cash market reflected broader macro sentiment and remained soft, there was a notable uptick in Headline ADT in March and April, indicating growing investor confidence. The Connect programmes, including Northbound Stock Connect and Bond Connect, saw significant growth in trading volumes, with Bond Connect reaching a fresh record for the quarter. Recent initiatives announced by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, such as the expansion of eligible ETFs and the inclusion of Real Estate Investment Trusts in Stock Connect, the addition of RMB-denominated stocks in Southbound Stock Connect, as well as supporting leading Mainland companies to list in Hong Kong, will further elevate the attractiveness of Hong Kong’s capital markets. Looking ahead, despite the prevailing backdrop, we are optimistic about HKEX’s ability to capitalise on the long-term growth of China, the considerable opportunities to connect with the fastgrowing capital hubs of Southeast Asia and the Middle East, and the continuing exciting developments in technology in our industry and beyond.”
Bonnie Y Chan, CEO
HK$5.2 Billion
Revenue and other income down 6 per cent against Q1 2023.
HK$3.0 Billion
Profit attributable to shareholders down 13 per cent against Q1 2023.

Basic earnings per share down 13 per cent against Q1 2023.


Source: HKEX Q1 2024 Results Announcement.
HKEX in the Community.

As an active and responsible global financial markets leader, we are committed to adopting Corporate Responsibility best-practices, promoting the global sustainability agenda and supporting the prosperity of all within the communities in which we operate.

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HKEX Foundation.

Inspiring change by supporting community projects that address various social and environmental challenges faced by our society. We create long-term community partnerships and encourage our employees to become involved.

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Careers at HKEX.
We offer a world of opportunities for those starting out as well as for those who are more experienced. We know that diverse thinking fosters better solutions, and we are committed to building an open and dynamic environment which allows our business to innovate and our people to thrive.
Diverse workforce
More than 40% of our employees are female
International reach
More than 2,300 colleagues are based in Hong Kong, Mainland China, London, Singapore and New York
Employee wellness
Introduced our first HKEX Global Wellness Challenge, supporting employees¡¯ physical and mental wellbeing while raising funds for the communities
Community investment
More than HK$141 million was donated by the HKEX Group in support of many good causes

Source: HKEX CSR Report 2022.
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