Updated : 24 Apr 2024
ZHANG Yichen
Independent Non-executive Director
Aged 60 
Director since 28 April 2021
Term of office: 24 April 2024 (re-elected) to 2027 AGM
Other positions held with HKEX group
HKEX - member of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Investment Committee, Nomination and Governance Committee, and Mainland China Advisory Group  
HKEX Foundation Limited - director
Other major offices

CITIC Capital Holdings Limited - chairman (2013~) and chief executive officer (2003~)
China Vanke Co Ltd * (also listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange) - independent non-executive director (2020~)
AsiaInfo Technologies Limited * - non-executive director (2018~)

Past offices
Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd (listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange) - chairman and director (2021-2023)
S F Holding Co Ltd 
(listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange) - director (2016-2022)
Genertec Universal Medical Group Company Limited * - chairman (2012-2021) and non-executive director (2015-2021)
SINA Corporation (formerly listed on NASDAQ) - independent director (2002-2021)
Frontier Services Group Limited * - non-executive director (2020-2021)
CITIC Capital Holdings Limited - deputy chief executive officer (2002-2003)
CITIC Pacific Communications Limited - president (2000-2002)
CITIC Limited * - executive director (2000-2002)
Merrill Lynch Asia Pacific - managing director (1996-2000)
Public service

The National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference - member (2008~)

Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) (The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US) 

* Listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited