Newly Launched but not yet Listed Inline Warrants

Sorted by Listing Date
Updated: 26 July 2024 Download    Print friendly
* Information on clearing (Settlement Instructions) and settlement (Exchange Trades) arrangements in CCASS
No. Warrant Code Warrant Name Issuer Underlying Board Lot Strike
Lower Strike Upper Strike Entitlement Ratio Issue
Issue Price Total Issue Size Launch Date
*Clearing Commencement Date1
Listing Date /
*Settlement Commencement Date2
Maturity Date
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. If the Inline Warrant is issued in the form of definitive registered certificates, CCASS withdrawal service will start on the Clearing Commencement Date.
2. If the Inline Warrant is issued in the form of definitive registered certificates, CCASS deposit service will start on the Settlement Commencement Date.