The trading in the following CBBC have been suspended due to mandatory call event (MCE). The MCE time provided here is for reference only. Investors should refer to the announcement published by CBBC issuer on HKEXnews for official MCE time. Information will only be included in the list 30 to 60 minutes after the occurrence of MCE.
Update Date: 20 Dec 2024 16:44 HKT
Issuer Name
MCE Time
51426 SG#KUASORC2507ASG Issuer13:30:09
57693 UB#KUASORC2504GUBS AG13:10:08
64521 BP#HSI RP2811OBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.10:59:18
64629 MS#HSI RP2711SMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited10:58:40
64665 HS#HSI RP26043The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited10:58:40
64722 UB#HSI RP2703IUBS AG10:58:40
64766 JP#HSI RP2710XJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:58:40
64699 SG#HSI RP2704MSG Issuer10:58:32
69734 MS#ALIBARC2506BMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited10:21:27
63021 CT#KUASORC2506BCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG10:19:18
62641 JP#JDCOMRC2605AJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:19:17
63200 UB#JDCOMRC2511AUBS AG10:09:32
61959 HS#ALIBARC2507SThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited10:08:07
61961 UB#ALIBARC2507DUBS AG10:08:07
62014 JP#ALIBARC2508XJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:08:07
51526 JP#KUASORC2504CJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:57:02
62253 HS#KUASORC2507CThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:57:02
62066 SG#ALIBARC2508BSG Issuer09:50:01
61821 UB#ALIBARC2507FUBS AG09:35:12
61871 JP#ALIBARC25073J.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:35:12
63706 UB#TENCTRP2711EUBS AG09:33:51
63797 JP#TENCTRP2711AJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:33:51
64052 CT#TENCTRP2612ECitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:33:28
62662 CT#ALIBARC2507BCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:33:23
64664 HS#HSI RP2604JThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:30:06
64694 BP#HSI RP2810JBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:30:06
64630 MS#HSI RP2711TMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited09:30:02
64689 CT#HSI RP2603ACitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:30:02
64710 SG#HSI RP27041SG Issuer09:30:02
64725 UB#HSI RP2712VUBS AG09:30:02
64754 JP#HSI RP2710VJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:30:02
64626 BI#HSI RC27095BOCI Asia Limited09:20:44
64648 HS#HSI RC2707YThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:20:44
64667 CI#HSI RC28095CITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) Limited09:20:44
64680 CT#HSI RC2509RCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:20:44
64691 BP#HSI RC2811PBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:20:44
64692 BP#HSI RC2811QBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:20:44
64697 SG#HSI RC2707MSG Issuer09:20:44
64715 UB#HSI RC27092UBS AG09:20:44
64734 JP#HSI RC27099J.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:20:44
63066 UB#ALIBARC2507MUBS AG09:20:18
63177 HS#ALIBARC2507VThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:20:18
63232 JP#ALIBARC2509IJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:20:18
63852 BP#ALIBARC2506LBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:20:18
64738 JP#TENCTRP2711CJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:20:18