由于发生强制赎回事件,以下牛熊证交易已被暂停。 以下强制赎回事件时间只作参考用途。投资者应参照披露易中,由有关牛熊证发行人发出正式强制赎回事件时间的公告。 以下资料只包括由强制赎回事件出现后30至60分钟内发生强制赎回事件的牛熊证。
更新日期: 2024年4月19日 16:44 HKT
69553 药明摩通五十牛AJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.11:03:06
69580 药明瑞银五八牛AUBS AG11:03:06
50064 恒指摩通六十牛VJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:58:46
50144 恒指花旗四七牛OCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG10:58:46
50183 恒指瑞银六九牛YUBS AG10:58:46
50205 恒指法兴六九牛NSG Issuer10:58:46
50217 恒指法巴六十牛EBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.10:58:46
50223 恒指汇丰六十牛VThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited10:58:46
54159 恒指国君六五牛AGuotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited10:58:46
52153 恒指瑞银六七牛JUBS AG10:58:28
55481 腾讯瑞银四甲牛HUBS AG10:58:25
55506 腾讯摩通四甲牛GJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:58:25
55443 恒指汇丰六七牛QThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited10:58:22
50317 恒指法兴五九牛PSG Issuer10:58:12
51886 恒指摩通六七牛GJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:58:08
67871 阿里摩通四七牛JJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:58:06
67955 阿里汇丰四乙牛IThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited10:58:06
68149 阿里法兴四九牛DSG Issuer10:58:06
69882 阿里瑞银四八牛NUBS AG10:58:06
54070 恒指摩通六七牛VJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:49:38
52854 恒科法巴四甲牛OBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.10:48:22
51082 恒指瑞银六七牛FUBS AG10:48:20
51820 恒指法兴五七牛YSG Issuer10:48:20
53397 恒指汇丰六甲牛KThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited10:48:20
54954 小米瑞银五二牛EUBS AG10:44:10
54714 美团瑞银四十牛HUBS AG10:21:11
54748 美团汇丰四甲牛BThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited10:21:11
55433 恒指法巴六二熊YBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.10:08:14
55445 恒指汇丰六甲熊LThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited10:08:14
55466 恒指法兴六一熊RSG Issuer10:08:14
55485 恒指瑞银六甲熊GUBS AG10:08:14
55509 恒指摩通六四熊YJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:08:14
55531 恒指花旗五四熊DCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG10:08:14
54212 舜光摩通四乙牛AJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:46:41
55232 小米法兴五一牛DSG Issuer09:45:51
51093 恒指摩通六七牛SJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:44:36
51445 恒指汇丰六七牛JThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:43:50
51562 恒指瑞银六七牛QUBS AG09:43:50
51608 恒指中银四乙牛FBOCI Asia Limited09:43:50
51612 恒指华泰六甲牛BHuatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited09:43:50
51617 恒指法巴六乙牛VBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:43:50
51694 恒指摩通六七牛HJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:43:50
51725 恒指花旗四九牛LCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:43:50
52041 恒指国君四十牛AGuotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited09:43:50
53433 恒指法兴六八牛LSG Issuer09:43:50
54943 比迪摩通五一牛AJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:40:11
55021 比迪法兴四甲牛DSG Issuer09:40:11
55162 比迪瑞银四乙牛EUBS AG09:40:11
54732 美团摩通四十牛FJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:39:50
51538 恒指法兴五八牛QSG Issuer09:39:48
55512 恒指摩通六十牛ZJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:39:18
53793 恒指汇丰六七牛XThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:39:16
51928 恒指汇丰六七牛UThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:39:10
51969 恒指法兴五七牛GSG Issuer09:39:10
51990 恒指摩通六乙牛AJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:39:10
53001 恒指法兴六七牛USG Issuer09:39:10
53101 恒指瑞银六乙牛LUBS AG09:39:10
53471 恒指摩通六七牛UJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:39:10
55479 恒指瑞银六乙牛OUBS AG09:39:10
51802 恒指花旗四九牛KCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:38:18
52020 恒指瑞银六七牛DUBS AG09:38:18
54528 美团法兴四十牛ESG Issuer09:38:18
54356 恒指摩通六七牛MJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:38:16
51458 恒指法巴六乙牛DBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:38:08
51494 恒指摩通六十牛HJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:38:08
51630 恒指汇丰六七牛PThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:38:08
51743 恒指法兴六九牛ISG Issuer09:38:08
51849 恒指瑞银六七牛YUBS AG09:38:08
51942 恒指法巴六乙牛BBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:38:08
52551 恒指国君五九牛QGuotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited09:38:08
53439 理想法兴五三牛CSG Issuer09:37:49
68939 药明汇丰五六牛CThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:37:30
55290 小米摩通五三牛CJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:36:27
55452 恒指法兴五七牛QSG Issuer09:35:26
55361 恒指法兴六八牛BSG Issuer09:34:54
51552 百度瑞银四九牛CUBS AG09:32:55
52122 百度摩通四八牛BJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:32:55
61301 百度摩利四六牛AMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited09:32:55
61323 百度汇丰四乙牛EThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:32:55
52536 恒科汇丰五乙牛HThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:30:34
54345 恒科摩通五一牛AJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:30:34
55426 恒指法巴六十牛RBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:30:16
55438 恒指汇丰六七牛EThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:30:16
55390 恒指中银四乙牛ZBOCI Asia Limited09:21:22
55398 恒指法巴六十牛KBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:21:22
55399 恒指法巴六十牛PBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:21:22
55405 恒指法巴六十牛QBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:21:22
55410 恒指汇丰六七牛IThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:21:22
55411 恒指汇丰六七牛RThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:21:22
55412 恒指汇丰六七牛TThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:21:22
55416 恒指华泰六乙牛ZHuatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited09:21:22
55417 恒指华泰六乙牛AHuatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited09:21:22
55448 恒指法兴五九牛FSG Issuer09:21:22
55449 恒指法兴五七牛USG Issuer09:21:22
55450 恒指法兴五七牛DSG Issuer09:21:22
55451 恒指法兴五九牛USG Issuer09:21:22
55471 恒指国君五九牛PGuotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited09:21:22
55476 恒指瑞银六七牛VUBS AG09:21:22
55477 恒指瑞银五一牛WUBS AG09:21:22
55478 恒指瑞银六七牛KUBS AG09:21:22
55480 恒指瑞银六八牛UUBS AG09:21:22
55498 恒指摩通六七牛AJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:21:22
55501 恒指摩通六七牛DJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:21:22
55504 恒指摩通六十牛WJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:21:22
55525 恒指花旗四九牛YCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:21:22
55527 恒指花旗四九牛HCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:21:22
55528 恒指花旗四九牛PCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:21:22
54189 阿里汇丰四八牛CThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:20:55
55519 美团摩通四甲牛EJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:20:55
67891 阿里法兴四八牛KSG Issuer09:20:55
67933 阿里瑞银四八牛BUBS AG09:20:55
68645 阿里摩通四八牛GJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:20:55